Acronym Search

Acronyms, initialisms, and alphabetisms are abbreviations that are formed using the initial components in a phrase or name. These components may be individual letters (as in CMS) or parts of words. The following acronyms are used frequently on the National Government Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare, and health care industry Web sites.

Acronym Term
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
ABG arterial blood gas
ABN Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage
ACH acute care hospital
ADMC advanced determination of Medicare coverage
ADP automated data processing
ADR additional development request
AFO ankle-foot orthotic
AIC amount in controversy
ALJ Administrative Law Judge
ALOS average length of stay
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AMA American Medical Association
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOB assignment of benefits
APC ambulatory payment classification
ARD assessment reference date
ASC Accredited Standards Committee
ASCA Administrative Simplification Compliance Act
ASP average sales price
ATP assistive technology practitioner
ATS assistive technology supplier
AWP average wholesale price
BBA Balanced Budget Act of 1997
BBRA Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999
BE benefits exhausted
BIPA Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000
BIB break in billing
BIS break in service (break-in-service claim)
BIU Benefit Integrity Unit
CAC Carrier Advisory Committee
CAD computer-aided design
CAH critical access hospital
CAM computer-aided manufacturing
CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CAT computerized axial tomography
CB Consolidated billing
CBA competitive bidding area
CBIC Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor
CBSA Core-based statistical area
CBT computer-based training
CC Condition code
CCPD Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
CCN claim control number
CCR cost-to-charge ratio
CDC CERT Documentation Contractor
CDE Certified diabetic educators
CEDI Common Electronic Data Interchange
CELIP Claim expansion and line item processing
CERT Comprehensive Error Rate Testing
CEU Continuing education units
CF Conversion factor
CFO Chief financial officer
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHOW Change of ownership
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
CMD Contractor medical director
CMG Case-mix group
CMHC Community mental health center
CMN Certificate of Medical Necessity
CMR Comprehensive medical review
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CMS-1450 Uniform Bill (UB-04) (for Part A)
CMS-1500 Health Insurance Claim Form (for Part B and DME)
CMS-­1696 Appointment of Representative form
CMS-20034 Request for Medicare Hearing by an Administrative Law Judge form
CMS-382 ESRD Beneficiary Selection form
CMS-5011B Request for Part B Medicare Hearing by an Administrative Law Judge form
CMS-588 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Agreement form
CMS-855S Medicare Enrollment Application form
CMS-R-131 Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) form
CNM Certified nurse midwife
CNS Certified nurse specialist
CO Central office (CMS, in Baltimore, MD)
CO Contracting officer
CO contractual obligation
COBC Coordination of Benefits Contractor
COBRA Consolidation Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986
COP Conditions of participation
CORF Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility
CP Clinical psychologist
CPI Consumer price index
CPO Care plan oversight
CPT/CPT-4 Current procedural terminology
CPT Claims processing timeliness
CR Change Request
CRC CERT Review Contractor
CRNA Certified registered nurse anesthetist
CSI Claim Status Inquiry
CSW Clinical social workers
CWF Common Working File (also known as HIMR)
DAB departmental appeals board
DCN document control number
DDE Direct Data Entry
DGME direct graduate medical education
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services (also referred to as HHS)
DIF DME Information Form
DME durable medical equipment
DMECS Durable Medical Equipment Coding System
DME MAC Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor
DMEPOS durable medical equipment prosthetics, orthotics and supplies
DMERC durable medical equipment regional carrier
DO Doctor of osteopathy
DOA date of accident
DOB date of birth
DOD date of death
DOJ Department of Justice
DOL Department of Labor
DOS date of service
DPM Doctor of podiatric medicine
DPU distinct-part unit
DRA Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
DRG diagnosis-related group
DSMT diabetes self-management training
EDI Electronic data interchange
EFT Electronic funds transfer
EGHP Employer group health plan
EIN Employer Identification Number
E&M Evaluation and management
EMC Electronic media claim
EMR Electronic medical record
EOB Explanation of benefits
EPO Epoetin
ER Emergency room
ERA Electronic remittance advice
ESA Erythropoiesis stimulating agent
ESRD End-stage renal disease
FAQ Frequently asked question
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCN Financial control number
FI Fiscal intermediary
FISS Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (processing system for Part A)
FL Field Locator
FOI Freedom of Information
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FQHC Federally qualified health center
GAO General Accounting Office; or Government Accountability Office
GHP Group health plan
GME Graduate medical education
GPCI Geographic practice cost index
HCO High cost outlier
HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
HHA Home health agency
HIC Health Insurance Claim (Number)
HICN Health Insurance Claim Number
HIMR Health Insurance Master Record (also known as CWF)
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIPPS Health insurance prospective payment system (code)
HIQA Health Insurance Query Access (CWF)
HME Home medical equipment
HMO Health maintenance organization
HPSA Health professional shortage area
HRSA Health Resources Services Administration
HSQB Health Standards Quality Bureau
IACS-PC Individuals Authorized Access to CMS Computer Services—Provider Community
ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, 9th Revision
ICD-10-CM International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, 10th Revision
ICN Internal control number
IDTF Independent diagnostic testing facility
IIC Inflation-indexed charge
IG Inspector General
IME Indirect medical education
IOM (CMS) Internet-Only Manual
IPPE Initial physical preventive examination
IPF Inpatient psychiatric facility
IPPS Inpatient prospective payment system
IRF Inpatient rehabilitation facility
IRP Inexpensive or other routinely purchased DME
IRVEN Inpatient rehabilitation validation and entry
IV Intravenous
IVR Interactive voice response (system)
IRS Internal Revenue Service
JSM Joint Signature Memorandum
KAFO Knee-ankle foot orthotic
LCD Local coverage determination
LCL Lowest charge level
LGHP Large group health plan
LIDOS Line item date of service
LIP Low income payment
LOS Length of stay
LPM Liters per minute
LSO Lumbar-sacral orthosis
LTC DRG Long-term care diagnosis-related group
LTCH Long-term care hospital
LTR Lifetime reserve (days)
MAC Medicare Administrative Contractor, Medicare appeals council
MAE mobility assistive equipment
MAO Medicare Advantage organization
MCE Medicare code editor
MCFU Medicaid Fraud Control Units
MCS Multi-Carrier System (processing system for Medicare Part B)
MD Doctor of medicine
MDS minimum data set
MEDPARD Medicare Participating Physician/Supplier Directory
MHO Medicare hearing officer
MIP Medicare Integrity Program
MMA Medicare Modernization Act of 2003
MPDIMA Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
MPFS Medicare physician fee schedule
MPFSDB Medicare physician fee schedule database
MREP Medicare Remit Easy Print (software)
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRN Medicare redetermination notice
MSA Metropolitan statistical area
MSN Medicare Summary Notice
MSP Medicare Secondary Payer
N&AH nursing and allied health
NCD national coverage determination
NCCI National Correct Coding Initiative
NCPDP National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
NDC national drug code
NF nursing facility
NOC not otherwise classified (code)
NON PAR nonparticipating provider
NP nurse practitioner
NPI National Provider Identifier
NPP nonphysician practitioner
NPPES National Plan and Provider Enumeration System
NPWT negative pressure wound therapy
NSC National Supplier Clearinghouse
NSF national standard format
OAS Office of Audit Service (of the Department of Health and Human Services)
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
OC Occurrence code
OCE Outpatient code editor
OCIG Office of Counsel to the Inspector General
OD Optometrist (doctor of optometry)
OI Office of Investigations
OIFO Office of Investigations Field Office (OIG)
OIG Office of Inspector General
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OPPS Outpatient prospective payment system
ORF Outpatient rehabilitation facility
ORU Overpayment Recovery Unit
OSC Occurrence span code
OSCAR Online Survey, Certification and Reporting (OSCAR System)
OT Occupational therapist/occupational therapy
OTR On-the-record hearing
PA policy article
PAI patient assessment instrument
PA physician assistant
PAR participating provider
PCA progressive corrective action
PDAC Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (Contractor)
PECOS Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System
PEN parenteral and enteral nutrition
PHI protected health information
PIN Provider Identification Number
PIP Periodic interim payment
P&O prosthetic and orthotic
PMD power mobility device
POE Provider outreach and education
POS place of service
POTR Preliminary on-the-record hearing
POV Power-operated vehicle
PPO Preferred provider organization
PPS prospective payment system
PPTN Professional Provider Telecommunications Network
PPV Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine
PSC program safeguard contractor
PT physical therapist
PTAN Provider Transaction Access Number
PWC power wheelchair
QIC Qualified independent contractor
QIO Quality improvement organization
RA Recovery Auditor
RBRVU Resource-based relative value unit
RDF Renal dialysis facility
RESNA Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology of North America
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
RHC Rural health clinic
RHHI Regional home health intermediary
RIC Rehabilitation impairment category
RICO Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization
RO Regional office (CMS)
RRC Rural Referral Center
RTP return to provider
RUG Resource utilization group
RVU Relative value unit
SADMERC Statistical Analysis DMERC (now referred to as the PDAC)
SCH Sole community hospital
SHIP State Health Insurance Program
SLP Speech-language pathology
SNF Skilled nursing facility
SPR Standard paper remittance
SSA Social Security Administration
SSN Social Security Number
TEFRA Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
TENS Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator
TLSO Thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis
TOB Type of bill
TRU Telephone reopening unit
UB Uniform bill
UPIN Unique Physician Identification Number
VA Veterans Administration
VA Veterans Affairs
VC value code
VTC Video teleconference
WAC wholesale acquisition cost
WC workers’ compensation
YTD year to date
MSPRC Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Contractor
PHS Public Health Services
BMM Bone Mass Measurements
DPA dual photon absorptiometry
FDA Food & Drug Administration
HBV Hepatitis B Virus
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
MQSA Mammography Quality Standards Act
CHC Continuous home care
COLA Cost of living adjustment
ECT Electroconvulsive therapy
FMR Focused medical review
GIP General inpatient care
HIQH Health insurance query for home health agencies
HHPPS Home health prospective payment system
HHRG Home health resource group
IDG Interdisciplinary group
LPN Licensed practical nurse
LUPA Low utilization payment adjustment
NHPCS National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
NOE notice of election
NOS not otherwise specified
OASIS Outcome and Assessment Information Set
PACE Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PEP Partial episode payment
POC Plan of care
PSC patient status code
RAC recovery audit contractor
RAP Request for anticipated payment
RC Revenue code/reason code
RHC Routine home care
RN Registered nurse
RNHCI Religious nonmedical health care institution
SCHIP State Children’s Health Insurance Program
S/LOC Status/location
PRRS Provider relations research specialist
CMI Case-mix index
DSH disproportionate share hospital
MDH Medicare dependent hospital
PRM Provider Reimbursement Manual (Medicare Publication 15-1/15-2)
PS&R Provider Statistical & Reimbursement Report
SSI Supplemental security income
ELGA Eligibility Inquiry Part A
FY Fiscal Year
ID Identification
I/OCE Integrated Outpatient Code Editor
MEDA Medicare Part A
MUE Medically Unlikely Edit
PCC Provider Contact Center
TIN Tax Identification Number
IP Inpatient
OP Outpatient
ZPIC zone program integrity contractor
TMR Targeted medical review
PER Payment error rates
CER Claim error rates
SER Service error rates
KPS Karnofsky performance status
PRN Pro re nata
SOB Shortness of breath
NCH National Claims History (System)
MCPSS Medicare contractor provider satisfaction survey
MRA Medicare remittance advice
PFS Physician fee schedule
DNF do not forward
VMS ViPS Medicare System
PQRI Physician Quality Reporting Initiative
ICF Intermediate care facility
MNT Medical nutrition therapy
LSO Local security officer
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CARC claim adjustment reason code
PO Point of origin
CLFS Clinical laboratory fee schedule
WOPD written order prior to delivery
PQRS Physician Quality Reporting System
RAD respiratory assist devices
MPPR Multiple procedure payment reduction
NUBC National Uniform Billing Committee
MSA medical service area
EDC Enterprise data center
PCIP Primary Care Incentive Program
COB Coordination of benefits
HH+H Home health plus hospice
HHH Home health and hospice
POE AG Provider Outreach and Education Advisory Group
NMO National Mail Order (Program)
SPA Single payment amount
LCMP Licensed clinical medical professional
RARC remittance advice remark codes
NTE Note
RUL Reasonable useful lifetime
MLN Medicare Learning Network
APS automated provider screening
ACA Affordable Care Act
LCSW Licensed clinical social worker
OCR Optical character recognition
NFPP National Fraud Prevention Program
NUCC National Uniform Claim Committee
EHR Electronic health record
MM MLN Matters
HETS HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System
CMS-460 Medicare Participating Physician or Supplier Agreement
CMS-855A Medicare Enrollment Application - Institutional Providers
CMS-855B Medicare Enrollment Application - Clinics/Group Practices and Certain Other Suppliers
CMS-855I Medicare Enrollment Application - Physicians and Nonphysician Practitioners
CMS-855O Medicare Enrollment Application - Registration for Eligible Ordering and Referring Physicians and Nonphysician Practitioners
CMS-855R Medicare Enrollment Application - Reassignment of Medicare Benefits
LICSW Licensed independent clinical social worker
MCTRJCA Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act
PPACA Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
SMRC Supplemental Medical Review Contractor
PR patient responsibility
EP Eligible professional
QCDR Qualified clinical data registry
HHS United States Department of Health and Human Services
FECA Federal Employee Compensation Act
FTE full-time employee
GPO U.S. Government Printing Office
SIA supplemental instruction article
QR Quick response (CMS-1500 code symbol)
AAPC American Academy of Professional Coders
EEG electroencephalogram
BIN break in need
ADR additional documentation request
BCRC Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center
CRC Commercial Repayment Center
UOS unit of service
PII personally identifiable information
HPID Health plan identifier
IPP Indirect payment procedure
IPP Indirect payment procedure
OEID Other entity identifier
HQRP Hospice Quality Reporting Program
CQM clinical quality measures
ADI advance diagnostic imaging
SGR sustainable growth rate
MCD Medicare Coverage Database
BLS basic life support
PCS Physician Certification Statement
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
PAP positive airway pressure
FFS fee for service
IBT intensive behavioral therapy
ADS Automated Development System (Part B letter)
STI sexually transmitted infections
CCI Correct Coding Initiative
ALS advanced life support
ASC ambulatory surgical center
ET eastern time
PT physical therapy
PT pacific time
PPS palliative performance score
CT central time
J6 Jurisdiction 6 A/B Medicare Administrative Contractor
JK Jurisdiction K A/B Medicare Administrative Contractor
JB Jurisdiction B Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor
CCN CMS Certification Number
CCR Customer Care Representative
DOA date of accretion
CY calendar year
FL Form Locator
FTE full-time equivalent
RA remittance advice
HIH health information handler
esMD electronic submission of medical documentation
SMRC Specialty Medical Review Contractor
MR Medical Review
HIGLAS Healthcare Integrated General Ledger Accounting System
CID claim identification number
GAF Geographic Adjustment Factor
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
OTP Opioid Treatment Program
OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea
ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
ACP advance care planning
AUC appropriate use criteria
CDR clinical dementia rating
CDSM clinical decision support mechanism
CMS SOG CMS Survey and Operations Group
COA Certificate of Accreditation
COC Certificate of Compliance
COR Certificate of Registration
COW Certificate of Waiver
FAST functional assessment staging test
HRA health risk assessment
IDE Investigational Device Exemption
LVAM Large Various Adjustment Macro
MAT medication-assisted treatment
OPD outpatient department
OUD opioid use disorder
PAR prior authorization request
PHE public health emergency
PPMP Provider Performed Microscopy Procedures
PWK paperwork segment
SAD self-administered drug
SEP Separate enrollment period
STC status information segment
USPSTF United States Preventive Services Task Force
UTN unique tracking number
A/P Assessment/Plan
AA Armed Forces Americas
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
AAP accelerated or advanced payment
AAPC American Academy of Professional Coders
ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
ACOs accountable care organizations
ACP Advance Care Planning
ACT Ask the Contractor
ADL activities of daily living
AE Armed Forces Africa
AE Armed Forces Canada
AE Armed Forces Europe
AE Armed Forces Middle East
AED automated external defibrillator
A-Fib atrial fibrillation
AK Alaska
AKI acute kidney injury
AL Alabama
AO Authorized Official
AP Armed Forces Pacific
API application program interface
APM Alternative Payment Model
APP advanced practice provider
APRN advanced practice registered nurse
AR Arkansas
AR accounts receivable
ASN Associate of Science in Nursing
AUC Appropriate Use Criteria
AZ Arizona
BBA Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018
BHI Behavioral Health Integration
BIE billed in error
BMI body mass index
BPCI bundled payments for care improvement
BSN bachelor’s degree in nursing
BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSO Back-Up Security Officer
CA California
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAC certified ambulance coder
CACO certified ambulance coder certification
CAHPS Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Sy
CAHSAH California Association for Health Services at Home
CAP corrective action plans
CAR chimeric antigen receptor
CASPER Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporti
CBC complete blood count
CBRs comparative billing reports
CBRs credit balance reports
CCM chronic care management
CCM CP chronic care management care planning
CD compact disc
CDSM Clinical Decision Support Mechanism
CEC Comprehensive End-Stage Renal Disease Care Model
CED coverage with evidence development
CEHRT Certified Electronic Health Record Technology
CEM claim edit module
CEO chief executive officer
CGS Celerian Group Services
CHC certified in healthcare compliance
CHIP Children's Health Insurance Program
CJR comprehensive care for joint replacement
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMMI Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation
CMO chief marketing officer
CMS IOM Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Internet-
CMS SOG Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Survey an
CMS-20027 Medicare Redetermination Request Form - 1st Level
CMS-20033 Medicare Reconsideration Request Form - 2nd Level
CMT Chiropractic manipulative treatment
CMT Case Management Team
CNP certified nurse practitioner
CNS clinical nurse specialist
CO Colorado
COB close of business
CoCM collaborative care model
CPB certified professional biller
CPC certified professional coder
CPHM certified professional in healthcare management
CPMA certified professional medical auditor
CPPM certified physician practice manager
CSCC Claim Status Category Code
CSCs Claim Status Codes
CSRs customer service representatives
CT computed tomography scan
CT Connecticut
CTA computed tomography angiography
CTP computed tomography perfusion
CVD cardiovascular disease
CXR chest x-ray
DAC Division of Acute Care
DC District of Columbia
DE Delaware
DG Documentation Guidelines
DIAL Disability Information and Access Line
DM doctor of medicine
DO Delegated Official
DPN diabetic peripheral neuropathy
DPNA denial of payment for new admissions
DRE digital rectal examination
DVD digital versatile disc
E&M evaluation and management
EBRT external beam radiation therapy
ECG electrocardiogram
ECR Electronic Cost Report
ED Emergency Department
EIA enzyme immunoassay
EIC Entity Identifier Code
EIDM Enterprise Identity Management
EIT Enterprise Information Technology
EKG electrocardiogram
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
eMDR electronic medical documentation request
eMDR electronic medical documentation requests
EMG electromyography
EMS emergency medical service
eMSN electronic Medicare Summary Notice
EMT emergency medical technician
ENT ears, nose, and throat
EOL end of life
ERAs electronic remittance advices
ERS Extended Repayment Schedule
EUA emergency use authorization
EUS External User Services
F2F face to face
FAQs frequently asked questions
FBLP Federal Black Lung Program
FCBC fingerprint-based criminal background checks
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FISS DDE Fiscal Intermediary Standard System Direct Data En
FL Florida
FTD face to face
FYE Fiscal Year End
GA Georgia
GAD-7 General Anxiety Disorder-7
GEP general enrollment period
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
GU Guam
HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy
HAC hospital acquired conditions
HBO hyperbaric oxygen
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
HCRIS Healthcare Cost Report Information System
HD hemodialysis
HH home health
HHCCN Home Health Change of Care Notice
HI Hawaii
HIFU salvage high-intensity focused ultrasound
HIMSS Healthcare Information Management Systems Society
HINN Hospital-Issued Notice of Non-Coverage
HIS Hospice Item Set
HITECH Health Information Technology for Economic and Cli
HOPD hospital outpatient department
HOPE Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation
HPI history of present illness
HPV human papillomavirus
HQIC Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor
HQRS Healthcare Quality Information System
HR heart rate
I&A Identity and Access
IA Iowa
ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases, Clinical
ICD-9 International Classification of Diseases, Clinical
ID Idaho
IDE investigational device exemption
IEP initial enrollment period
IL Illinois
IM intramuscular
IMRT intensity-modulated radiation therapy
IN Indiana
Inc. incorporated
INR international normalized ratio
iQIES Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System
IRF-PAI Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility-Patient Assessme
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
KS Kansas
KY Kentucky
LA Louisiana
LBN legal business name
LDS facial lipodystrophy syndrome
LGBTQ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning
LLC limited liability company
LLL left lower lobe
LLP lower limb prosthetic
LOB line of business
LOINC logical observation identifiers names and codes
LTSS long-term services and supports
LUTS/BPH lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic hype
LVAM large various adjustment macro
MA Medicare Advantage
MA Massachusetts
MACRA Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act
MAR Medication Administration Record
MBD Medicare Beneficiary Database
MCO managed care organization
MCR Medicare Cost Report
MCReF Medicare Cost Report E-Filing
MD Maryland
MDM medical decision making
ME Maine
MEARIS Medicare Electronic Application Request Informatio
MEI Medicare Economic index
MH Marshall Islands
MI Michigan
MIPS Merit-based Incentive Payment System
MM/DD/YY month day year
MMDDYYYY month day year
MMR Medicare Monthly Review
MN Minnesota
MO Missouri
MOA Medicare outpatient adjudication
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOON Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice
MP Northern Mariana Island
MRA magnetic resonance angiogram
MRADL mobility-related activities of daily living
MS Mississippi
MSG Multiple Surgery Guidelines
MSG message on remits
MSI Medicare Administrative Contractor Satisfaction In
MSN Master of Science in Nursing
MST mountain standard time
MT mountain time
MT Montana
NAHC National Association for Home Care & Hospice
NASS North American Spine Society
NC North Carolina
NCCPA National Commission on Certification of Physicians
ND North Dakota
NE Nebraska
NGACO Next Generation Accountable Care Organization
NGD Next Generation Desktop
NGS National Government Services
ngs/ml nanograms per milliliter
NGS-ACE National Government Services Advance Communication
NGSFS National Government Services Financial Solutions
NH New Hampshire
NHDD National Healthcare Decisions Day
NHPCO National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
NIAM National Immunization Awareness Month
NJ New Jersey
NM New Mexico
NOMNC Notice of Medicare Noncoverage
NOS number of service
NOTR Notice of Termination/Revocation
NSV network service vendor
NV Nevada
NY New York
OB obstetrician
OEP open enrollment period
OH Ohio
OK Oklahoma
OMHA Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals
OPD outpatient department
OR Oregon
OTA occupational therapy assistant
OTC over the counter
OTPP occupational therapy private practice
OUD opioid use disorder
PA prior authorization
PA Pennsylvania
PA professional association
PAMA Protecting Access to Medicare Act
PAR prior authorization request
PARHM Pennsylvania Rural Health Model
PBDs provider-based departments
PC professional corporation
PCE Primary Care Exception
PCP primary care physician
PCTI physician certification of terminal illness
PDGM Patient-Driven Groupings Model
PE practice expense
PE Provider Enrollment
PEPPERs Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic
PET positron emission tomography
PEX Provider Experience
PFSH past, family, and social history
PHE Public Health Emergency
PHN postherpetic neuralgia
PHP Partial Hospitalization Program
PHQ-2 Patient Health Questionnaire-2
PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire-9
PIDD primary immune deficiency disease
PLLC professional limited liability company
PMH past medical history
POA present on admission
POA power of attorney
PPPS personalized prevention plan service
PPT PowerPoint
PR Puerto Rico
PRRB Provider Reimbursement Review Board
PRSS pressure reducing support surfaces
PSA prostate specific antigen
PST pacific standard time
PT/INR prothrombin time international normalized ratio
PTA physical therapist assistant
PTPP physical therapy private practice
PUF Public Use File
PWK paperwork
QCDRs Qualified clinical data registries
QHCP qualified health care professional
QIES Quality Information and Evaluation System
QIN-QIO Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Org
QMs quality measures
QPP Quality Payment Program
QRDA Quality Reporting Document Architecture
QRP Quality Reporting Program
QRPs quality reporting programs
R&D research and development
RA radiologist assistant"
RC revenue code
RC reason code
RF radio frequency
RFI request for information
RI Rhode Island
ROS review of systems
SA state agency
SBIRT Screening, Brief Intervention, & Referral to Trea
SBRT Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
SC subcutaneous
SC South Carolina
SCF Settlement Conference Facilitation
SD South Dakota
sDNA Stool DNA
SDV single dose vial
SE Special Edition
SEI Software Engineering Institute
SEP special enrollment period
SIA service intensity add-on
SME subject matter expert
SNF HAI Skilled Nursing Facility Healthcare Associated Inf
SNF PDGM skilled nursing facility patient driven payment mo
SNF PPS skilled nursing facility prospective payment syste
SO Security Official
SPADEs Standardized Patient Assessment Data Elements
SRS Stereotactic Radiosurgery
SSMs Shared System Maintainers
STD sexually transmitted disease
TBD to be determined
TIFF tagged image file format
TKA Total Knee Arthroplasty
TN Tennessee
TPID Transaction Partner Identifier
TPL third party liability
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TRPV1 transient receptor potential vanilloid
TX Texas
U.S. United States
UPIC Unified Program Integrity Contractor
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB universal serial bus
USPS United States Postal Service
USPSTF United States Preventive Services Task Force
UT Utah
UTN unique tracking number
VA Veterans Affairs
VA Virginia
VAD ventricular assist device
VBID Value-Based Insurance Design
VBP Value-Based Purchasing
VED vacuum erection device
VI Virgin Islands
VT Vermont
WA Washington
WI Wisconsin
WIA Wage Index Appeals
WPC Washington Publishing Company
WV West Virginia
WY Wyoming
APC Advance Practice Clinician
CPM Chronic Pain Management
DLS date last seen
POCT point of care test
RSV respiratory syncytial virus
IOP Intensive Outpatient Program
SWO standard written order
SUD substance use disorder
CAA 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023
EMTALA Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
RNA ribonucleic acid
MFT marriage and family therapist
MHC mental health counselor
PPEO Provisional Period of Enhanced Oversight
SDOH social determinants of health
TPE targeted probe and educate
MCSN Medicare Change of Status Notice
CBMT caregiver behavioral management training