Reason Code | Description | Error Type | Details |
32415 | Condition code “A6” (Pneumococcal pneumonia and influenza vaccines paid at 100%.) is not present, but is required, when billing the influenza or pneumococcal vaccine(s) and/or administration. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32415
Error Description
Condition code “A6” (Pneumococcal pneumonia and influenza vaccines paid at 100%.) is not present, but is required, when billing the influenza or pneumococcal vaccine(s) and/or administration. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorAppend the “A6” condition code to the claim and F9 or resubmit. Related Content
Reviewed: Mar 10, 2025 |
59301 | This inpatient (11X) claim contains one or more procedure codes indicating an implantable cardioverter defibrillator was inserted; however, one or more diagnosis codes required for coverage are missing. Therefore, the provider is liable. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 59301
Error Description
This inpatient (11X) claim contains one or more procedure codes indicating an implantable cardioverter defibrillator was inserted; however, one or more diagnosis codes required for coverage are missing. Therefore, the provider is liable. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorYou have the right to submit an appeal when you believe the medical records support that the denied services were reasonable and medically necessary. To prevent similar denials, ensure that all coverage guidelines are documented and met prior to billing. Related Content
Reviewed: Mar 10, 2025 |
17729 | Hospice: The hospice claim denied because the physician listed as the attending physician does not have an active Medicare enrollment or is not opted-out to certify hospice claims. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 17729
Error Description
Hospice: The hospice claim denied because the physician listed as the attending physician does not have an active Medicare enrollment or is not opted-out to certify hospice claims. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis edit is applied if the NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name submitted on the claim in the Attending field do not match the physician’s NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name on the PECOS file, or physician’s does not have an active enrollment on the reported Occurrence Code 27 date. An adjustment should be submitted when an input error (i.e., incorrect NPI, incorrect name spelling) is being corrected or the physician’s PECOS record has been updated. Refer to the following article for detailed instructions: 17729 and 17730 Hospice Claim Edits for Certifying Physicians. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
17729 | Hospice: The hospice claim denied because the physician listed as the attending physician does not have an active Medicare enrollment or is not opted-out to certify hospice claims. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 17729
Error Description
Hospice: The hospice claim denied because the physician listed as the attending physician does not have an active Medicare enrollment or is not opted-out to certify hospice claims. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis edit is applied if the NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name submitted on the claim in the Attending field do not match the physician’s NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name on the PECOS file, or physician’s does not have an active enrollment on the reported Occurrence Code 27 date. An adjustment should be submitted when an input error (i.e., incorrect NPI, incorrect name spelling) is being corrected or the physician’s PECOS record has been updated. Refer to the following article for detailed instructions: 17729 and 17730 Hospice Claim Edits for Certifying Physicians. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
17730 | Hospice: This claim denied because there is a termination date of the PECOS enrolled physician inquiry screen for the referring physician. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 17730
Error Description
Hospice: This claim denied because there is a termination date of the PECOS enrolled physician inquiry screen for the referring physician. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis edit is applied if the NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name submitted on the claim in the Referring field do not match the physician’s NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name on the PECOS file, or physician’s does not have an active enrollment on the reported Occurrence Code 27 date. An adjustment should be submitted when an input error (i.e., incorrect NPI, incorrect name spelling) is being corrected or the physician’s PECOS record has been updated. Refer to the following article for detailed instructions: 17729 and 17730 Hospice Claim Edits for Certifying Physicians. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
17730 | Hospice: This claim denied because there is a termination date of the PECOS enrolled physician inquiry screen for the referring physician. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 17730
Error Description
Hospice: This claim denied because there is a termination date of the PECOS enrolled physician inquiry screen for the referring physician. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis edit is applied if the NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name submitted on the claim in the Referring field do not match the physician’s NPI and first four letters of the physician’s last name on the PECOS file, or physician’s does not have an active enrollment on the reported Occurrence Code 27 date. An adjustment should be submitted when an input error (i.e., incorrect NPI, incorrect name spelling) is being corrected or the physician’s PECOS record has been updated. Refer to the following article for detailed instructions: 17729 and 17730 Hospice Claim Edits for Certifying Physicians. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
31644 | Hospice: Claim was submitted with modifier ‘GY’ on a revenue line with covered charges. |
Claim Error Reason Code 31644
Error Description
Hospice: Claim was submitted with modifier ‘GY’ on a revenue line with covered charges. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorHospice room and board denials should be submitted as non-covered charges with revenue code 0659, HCPCS A9270, and the ‘GY’ modifier. Review the information submitted on your claim, correct, and resubmit. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
32005 | Home health: The statement covers ‘From’ date is prior to provider’s effective date as a participating provider. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32005
Error Description
Home health: The statement covers ‘From’ date is prior to provider’s effective date as a participating provider. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorNo dates of service prior to the provider effective date can be billed to Medicare. Verify the dates of service billed on your claim are on or after the agency’s Medicare effective date, correct and resubmit. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
32072 | For home health claims (32X), the attending physician on the PECOS physician file has a termination date present and it is equal to or less than the claim from date of service. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 32072
Error Description
For home health claims (32X), the attending physician on the PECOS physician file has a termination date present and it is equal to or less than the claim from date of service. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe attending physician reported on your claim must be active in PECOS to be considered a valid attending physician for the home health patient. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
37236 | The covered charges or reimbursement is greater than 0, however, one of the following is true:
*Note: The first name is no longer evaluated as part of the matching criteria. Additionally, any special characters in the last name will be ignored. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 37236
Error Description
The covered charges or reimbursement is greater than 0, however, one of the following is true:
*Note: The first name is no longer evaluated as part of the matching criteria. Additionally, any special characters in the last name will be ignored. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify eligibility of the attending/ordering physicians in PECOS. Print that verification and make it part of the medical record. If applicable, submit a reopen request to the Appeals Department indicating error and the correction needed. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
38032 | Hospice: This outpatient claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim. The following situations exist:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38032
Error Description
Hospice: This outpatient claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim. The following situations exist:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorProviders should develop and implement a process to ensure that duplicate claims are not being submitted.
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
52MUE | All the line items on the claim have units of service that are in excess of the medically reasonable daily allowable frequency. The excess charges due to units of service greater than the maximum allowable may not be billed to the beneficiary and this provision can neither be waived nor subject to an ABN. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 52MUE
Error Description
All the line items on the claim have units of service that are in excess of the medically reasonable daily allowable frequency. The excess charges due to units of service greater than the maximum allowable may not be billed to the beneficiary and this provision can neither be waived nor subject to an ABN. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorYou have the right to submit an appeal when you believe the medical records support that the denied services were reasonable and medically necessary. Providers should review the information on the CMS website for Medically Unlikely Edits prior to claim submission. If the units rendered are in excess of the allowed units for that service, consider whether the excess units were actually rendered and billed correctly. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
52NCD | Line level reason code to indicate that the HCPCS code and a diagnosis code on the claim matched an NCD edit table list to deny codes. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 52NCD
Error Description
Line level reason code to indicate that the HCPCS code and a diagnosis code on the claim matched an NCD edit table list to deny codes. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure all Medicare coverage and medical necessity requirements are met prior to billing. If the provider determines that Medicare will not cover the services, consider submitting the charges as noncovered. Providers can visit the CMS Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) to review the NCDs and LCDs to determine the diagnosis that are covered for the services provided. Review the information on the Appeals tab for information related to submitting an adjustment to correct claims partially denied by automated LCD/NCD denials. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
52NCD | Line level reason code to indicate that the HCPCS code and a diagnosis code on the claim matched an NCD edit table list to deny codes. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 52NCD
Error Description
Line level reason code to indicate that the HCPCS code and a diagnosis code on the claim matched an NCD edit table list to deny codes. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure all Medicare coverage and medical necessity requirements are met prior to billing. If the provider determines that Medicare will not cover the services, consider submitting the charges as noncovered. Providers can visit the CMS Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) to review the NCDs and LCDs to determine the diagnosis that are covered for the services provided. Review the information on the Appeals tab for information related to submitting an adjustment to correct claims partially denied by automated LCD/NCD denials. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
54NCD | Line level reason code to indicate that none of the diagnosis codes on the claim support the medical necessity of the services. Service denied and the provider is liable. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 54NCD
Error Description
Line level reason code to indicate that none of the diagnosis codes on the claim support the medical necessity of the services. Service denied and the provider is liable. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview coverage guidelines for the service being denied to ensure medical necessity of the services being provided to the beneficiary. Ensure all Medicare coverage and medical necessity requirements are met prior to billing. If the provider determines that Medicare will not cover the services, consider submitting the charges as noncovered. Providers can visit the CMS Coverage Database to review the NCDs and LCDs to determine the diagnosis that are covered for the services provided. Review the information on the Appeals tab for information related to submitting an adjustment to correct claims partially denied by automated LCD/NCD denials. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
55B31 | This claim was denied after Medical Review. It was determined that the documentation needed to make payment was missing/incomplete (e.g., incomplete documentation to support therapy units billed). |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55B31
Error Description
This claim was denied after Medical Review. It was determined that the documentation needed to make payment was missing/incomplete (e.g., incomplete documentation to support therapy units billed). Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview coverage guidelines and patient records to determine if all appropriate documentation was sent for review that may have supported medical necessity. When you receive an ADR from National Government Services, pay particular attention to the information that is being requested which will be listed on the ADR including:
To assist with your ADR documentation preparation, a list of suggested service-specific documentation to submit is included in the ADR letter. While this is not an all-inclusive list, it can be useful for gathering the appropriate records to submit If all relevant records were not submitted and could support medical necessity, providers may consider filing an appeal. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
55B31 | This claim was denied after Medical Review. It was determined that the documentation needed to make payment was missing/incomplete (e.g., incomplete documentation to support therapy units billed). |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55B31
Error Description
This claim was denied after Medical Review. It was determined that the documentation needed to make payment was missing/incomplete (e.g., incomplete documentation to support therapy units billed). Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview coverage guidelines and patient records to determine if all appropriate documentation was sent for review that may have supported medical necessity. When you receive an ADR from National Government Services, pay particular attention to the information that is being requested which will be listed on the ADR including:
To assist with your ADR documentation preparation, a list of suggested service-specific documentation to submit is included in the ADR letter. While this is not an all-inclusive list, it can be useful for gathering the appropriate records to submit If all relevant records were not submitted and could support medical necessity, providers may consider filing an appeal. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
55H1L | According to the Medicare Hospice requirements, the information provided does not support a terminal prognosis of six months or less. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55H1L
Error Description
According to the Medicare Hospice requirements, the information provided does not support a terminal prognosis of six months or less. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorClinical progress notes should show evidence of a steady decline or downward trajectory in the beneficiary’s clinical status over time. Documentation should be objective, measurable and must support a life expectancy of six months or less. Beneficiaries who have improved or stabilized overtime and no longer have a reasonable expectation of a prognosis of six months or less should be discharged from the Medicare hospice benefit. There should be consistency between the certification documents and the hospice clinical progress notes. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
55H1R | The NOE is invalid because it does not meet statutory/regulatory requirements. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55H1R
Error Description
The NOE is invalid because it does not meet statutory/regulatory requirements. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview coverage and billing guidelines for the NOE to ensure that your NOEs are accurately billed. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
55H1S | Hospice: The documentation submitted does not support a valid face-to-face encounter occurred. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55H1S
Error Description
Hospice: The documentation submitted does not support a valid face-to-face encounter occurred. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorInclude all face-to-face encounter attestations for the third benefit period and after with your medical record submission to the ADR. Ensure that the CMS requirements for the face-to-face encounter have been met in the CMS IOM Publication 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 9, Section 20.1. Failure to meet these requirements results in a failure by the hospice to meet the recertification obligation. The beneficiary would cease to be eligible for the benefit. Remember to verify the benefit period that the beneficiary is in with every admission, as the beneficiary may have received hospice services in the past. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
55S05 | The documentation submitted supports that the services are not covered by Medicare. The beneficiary received a valid SNF ABN; thus, the beneficiary is liable for the noncovered charges on this claim. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55S05
Error Description
The documentation submitted supports that the services are not covered by Medicare. The beneficiary received a valid SNF ABN; thus, the beneficiary is liable for the noncovered charges on this claim. Avoiding/Correcting this ErrorThe SNF should ensure that SNF services that are not covered are identified. After discussion with the beneficiary and/or representative you should properly issue an ABN and bill for the noncovered services accordingly. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
55S29 | The claim was denied due to missing documentation required to support the services billed. The documentation lacked evidence that all benefit category requirements were met and necessary criteria. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55S29
Error Description
The claim was denied due to missing documentation required to support the services billed. The documentation lacked evidence that all benefit category requirements were met and necessary criteria. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorRespond promptly to a MAC, CERT, RAC, SMRC, or UPIC request for additional documentation. Documentation is necessary to verify compliance with a benefit category requirement. Ensure that all records, including any treatment notes, certifications, etc. are submitted promptly to support that all billed services were rendered, meet reasonable and necessary criteria, and any additional coverage requirements. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
56900 | Requested medical records were not received within the 45 day time limit; therefore, we are unable to determine the medical necessity of the services billed and this claim has been denied. If less than 120 days after denial notification on remittance advice, submit records to the contractor requesting records. Do not resubmit the claim. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 56900
Error Description
Requested medical records were not received within the 45 day time limit; therefore, we are unable to determine the medical necessity of the services billed and this claim has been denied. If less than 120 days after denial notification on remittance advice, submit records to the contractor requesting records. Do not resubmit the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis reason code can and should be prevented. When providers receive an ADR, respond according to the date listed in the ADR. Providers should start gathering the documentation being requested immediately. This will ensure that there is adequate time to gather all the supporting documentation that is being requested so that the timeframe for submitting the information can be met. Depending on what is being requested, providers may have to go outside of their facilities to get the supporting documentation and this may require time to be received from that entity. The ADR letter you received will indicate whether you have 30 days (Claim ADR) or 45 days (Medical Review ADR) to respond.
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
56900 | Requested medical records were not received within the 45 day time limit; therefore, we are unable to determine the medical necessity of the services billed and this claim has been denied. If less than 120 days after denial notification on remittance advice, submit records to the contractor requesting records. Do not resubmit the claim. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 56900
Error Description
Requested medical records were not received within the 45 day time limit; therefore, we are unable to determine the medical necessity of the services billed and this claim has been denied. If less than 120 days after denial notification on remittance advice, submit records to the contractor requesting records. Do not resubmit the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis reason code can and should be prevented. When providers receive an ADR, respond according to the date listed in the ADR. Providers should start gathering the documentation being requested immediately. This will ensure that there is adequate time to gather all the supporting documentation that is being requested so that the timeframe for submitting the information can be met. Depending on what is being requested, providers may have to go outside of their facilities to get the supporting documentation and this may require time to be received from that entity. The ADR letter you received will indicate whether you have 30 days (Claim ADR) or 45 days (Medical Review ADR) to respond. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
59118 | This inpatient 11X claim was denied. The claim contains a valid ICD-10 procedure code for PTA of the carotid artery. However, the claim did not include a valid ICD-10 diagnosis code for PTA of the carotid artery. Or One of the valid ICD-10 procedure codes is present and ICD-10 diagnosis codes I672, Z006 and one code from the ICD-10 diagnosis code list for PTA and stenting are not all present on or after the ICD-10 eff date. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 59118
Error Description
This inpatient 11X claim was denied. The claim contains a valid ICD-10 procedure code for PTA of the carotid artery. However, the claim did not include a valid ICD-10 diagnosis code for PTA of the carotid artery. Or One of the valid ICD-10 procedure codes is present and ICD-10 diagnosis codes I672, Z006 and one code from the ICD-10 diagnosis code list for PTA and stenting are not all present on or after the ICD-10 eff date. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview reason code 59118 in the Direct Data Entry system for applicable codes. Alternatively, review the latest Change Requests/MLN® Matters articles for relevant ICD-10 updates. The most current MLN Matters article is listed in ‘Related Content’ below and includes a link to the most current coding information. File an appeal if applicable. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
59118 | This inpatient 11X claim was denied. The claim contains a valid ICD-10 procedure code for PTA of the carotid artery. However, the claim did not include a valid ICD-10 diagnosis code for PTA of the carotid artery. Or One of the valid ICD-10 procedure codes is present and ICD-10 diagnosis codes I672, Z006 and one code from the ICD-10 diagnosis code list for PTA and stenting are not all present on or after the ICD-10 eff date. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 59118
Error Description
This inpatient 11X claim was denied. The claim contains a valid ICD-10 procedure code for PTA of the carotid artery. However, the claim did not include a valid ICD-10 diagnosis code for PTA of the carotid artery. Or One of the valid ICD-10 procedure codes is present and ICD-10 diagnosis codes I672, Z006 and one code from the ICD-10 diagnosis code list for PTA and stenting are not all present on or after the ICD-10 eff date. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview reason code 59118 in the Direct Data Entry system for applicable codes. Alternatively, review the latest Change Requests/MLN® Matters articles for relevant ICD-10 updates. The most current MLN Matters article is listed in ‘Related Content’ below and includes a link to the most current coding information. File an appeal if applicable. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
5ND07 | The services are denied because the procedure and diagnosis coding requirements for bariatric surgery have not been met per National Coverage Determination (NCD) 100.1 Bariatric Surgery for Treatment of Co-Morbid Conditions Related to Morbid Obesity |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 5ND07
Error Description
The services are denied because the procedure and diagnosis coding requirements for bariatric surgery have not been met per National Coverage Determination (NCD) 100.1 Bariatric Surgery for Treatment of Co-Morbid Conditions Related to Morbid Obesity Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
U5233 | Home Health: The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5233
Error Description
Home Health: The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCollect all insurance information from the beneficiary when admitted to your HHA. Talk to the beneficiary about insurance changes and check CWF before billing Medicare. Many times a claim will overlap an MAO period because it was open at the time of billing, but was subsequently closed by the time the provider researches the reason for rejection. The best way to avoid this reason code is to verify the beneficiary has traditional Medicare right before submitting the claim. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
U523A | Hospice: The dates of service are during both a hospice election period and a MA plan's period that is in a VBID model. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U523A
Error Description
Hospice: The dates of service are during both a hospice election period and a MA plan's period that is in a VBID model. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis reason code is a notification to the provider of a VBID patient. For more information, including calendar-year specific downloadable lists of service area PBPs and contact information, please refer to the CMS web page, Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model. Claims rejected with U523A will open benefit periods in Medicare’s eligibility systems. Hospice agencies must send all notices and claims to both the participating MAO and MAC on timely basis. You must send all notices and claims to both the participating MAO and your MAC. The MAO will process payment, and the MAC will process the claims for informational and operational purposes and for CMS to monitor the Model. If you contract to provide hospice services with the plan, be sure to confirm billing and processing steps before the calendar year begins, as they may be different. Please Note
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
U5601 | Hospice: The service dates on this claim overlap the service dates reported on a previously processed claim. Check the Remarks field on the claim to view overlapping provider information. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5601
Error Description
Hospice: The service dates on this claim overlap the service dates reported on a previously processed claim. Check the Remarks field on the claim to view overlapping provider information. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the dates of service on your claim. If the information on your claim is correct, contact the other provider to have them correct their claim. If the information on your claim is incorrect, resubmit your claim with the correct information. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
U5065 | Home Health and Hospice: The claim From date is prior to the MBI effective date on the CWF crosswalk file and the MBI is the oldest occurrence in the crosswalk file. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5065
Error Description
Home Health and Hospice: The claim From date is prior to the MBI effective date on the CWF crosswalk file and the MBI is the oldest occurrence in the crosswalk file. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorHH+H may only bill services provided to the patient after the effective date of their Medicare coverage. Verify the effective date(s) for the MBI of the beneficiary prior to billing. If a new MBI has been issued to the beneficiary, all claims must be submitted with the new MBI. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
39929 | Home Health and Hospice: Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39929
Error Description
Home Health and Hospice: Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the line level rejection information to determine the rejection for each of the lines of the claim in question. Providers can see line details in NGSConnex and hover over the line item reason code(s) for details. You can access MAP171D for line item detail information:
Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
U537I | Home health: The ‘From’ and ‘Through’ dates on the HH claim fall outside a HH admission period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U537I
Error Description
Home health: The ‘From’ and ‘Through’ dates on the HH claim fall outside a HH admission period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorAll dates of service reported on a period of care claim must be on or after the date of admission. Verify the from and through dates billed and all line item dates of service to ensure the dates are within the admission to home health care. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
W7010 | HH+H: This is a non-covered service submitted for verification of denial. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code W7010
Error Description
HH+H: This is a non-covered service submitted for verification of denial. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis edit is applied to claims submitted with condition code 21 for an insurance denial. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
W7010 | HH+H: This is a non-covered service submitted for verification of denial. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code W7010
Error Description
HH+H: This is a non-covered service submitted for verification of denial. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis edit is applied to claims submitted with condition code 21 for an insurance denial. Reviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
39928 | Each line of charges on this claim has been denied by medical review. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 39928
Error Description
Each line of charges on this claim has been denied by medical review. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorTo access the line level reason associated with this reason code providers should go to claim page (2) (MAP 1712) and F11 to MAP171D to see the line level denial codes for each line of the claim. If you disagree with the denial, you have the right to appeal. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
39928 | Each line of charges on this claim has been denied by medical review. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 39928
Error Description
Each line of charges on this claim has been denied by medical review. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorTo access the line level reason associated with this reason code providers should go to claim page (2) (MAP 1712) and F11 to MAP171D to see the line level denial codes for each line of the claim. If you disagree with the denial, you have the right to appeal. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
55B31 | This claim was denied after Medical Review. It was determined that the documentation needed to make payment was missing/incomplete (e.g., incomplete documentation to support therapy units billed). |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55B31
Error Description
This claim was denied after Medical Review. It was determined that the documentation needed to make payment was missing/incomplete (e.g., incomplete documentation to support therapy units billed). Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview coverage guidelines and patient records to determine if all appropriate documentation was sent for review that may have supported medical necessity. When you receive an ADR from National Government Services, pay particular attention to the information that is being requested which will be listed on the ADR including:
To assist with your ADR documentation preparation, a list of suggested service-specific documentation to submit is included in the ADR letter. While this is not an all-inclusive list, it can be useful for gathering the appropriate records to submit If all relevant records were not submitted and could support medical necessity, providers may consider filing an appeal. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
56900 | This claim is denied for payment because the provider failed to submit documentation requested by the MAC via an ADR within 45 days of the ADR date. Medical Review requests documentation for various reasons by sending the provider a request for additional documentation, also known as an ADR. Each ADR has a date in the left-hand corner. If we do not receive the requested information within 45 days of that date, the claim is denied. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 56900
Error Description
This claim is denied for payment because the provider failed to submit documentation requested by the MAC via an ADR within 45 days of the ADR date. Medical Review requests documentation for various reasons by sending the provider a request for additional documentation, also known as an ADR. Each ADR has a date in the left-hand corner. If we do not receive the requested information within 45 days of that date, the claim is denied. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorRegularly access claims in status locations SB6001, SB6098, or SB6099 to obtain a listing of claims for which records have not yet been received by the MAC (Medical Review Department). Look for information on the Overview of EDI Products and Services page of our website to sign up to receive ADRs electronically. Additional InformationThis reason code can be prevented. When providers receive an ADR, the provider should respond according to the date listed in the ADR. Providers should start gathering the documentation being requested immediately. This will ensure that there is adequate time to gather all of the supporting documentation that is being requested so that the timeframe for submitting the information can be met. Please note that, depending on what is being requested, providers may have to go outside of their facilities to get the supporting documentation and this may require time to be received from that entity. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
56900 | This claim is denied for payment because the provider failed to submit documentation requested by the MAC via an ADR within 45 days of the ADR date. Medical Review requests documentation for various reasons by sending the provider a request for additional documentation, also known as an ADR. Each ADR has a date in the left-hand corner. If we do not receive the requested information within 45 days of that date, the claim is denied. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 56900
Error Description
This claim is denied for payment because the provider failed to submit documentation requested by the MAC via an ADR within 45 days of the ADR date. Medical Review requests documentation for various reasons by sending the provider a request for additional documentation, also known as an ADR. Each ADR has a date in the left-hand corner. If we do not receive the requested information within 45 days of that date, the claim is denied. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorRegularly access claims in status locations SB6001, SB6098, or SB6099 to obtain a listing of claims for which records have not yet been received by the MAC (Medical Review Department). Look for information on the Overview of EDI Products and Services page of our website to sign up to receive ADRs electronically. Additional InformationThis reason code can be prevented. When providers receive an ADR, the provider should respond according to the date listed in the ADR. Providers should start gathering the documentation being requested immediately. This will ensure that there is adequate time to gather all of the supporting documentation that is being requested so that the timeframe for submitting the information can be met. Please note that, depending on what is being requested, providers may have to go outside of their facilities to get the supporting documentation and this may require time to be received from that entity. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
59132 | TOB 71X (RHC) contains HCPCS code G0108 or G0109 (diabetes self-management training) on a claim for DOS after the effective date. The provider is liable as per NCD 40.1. RHCs are not paid separately for DSMT and MNT services. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 59132
Error Description
TOB 71X (RHC) contains HCPCS code G0108 or G0109 (diabetes self-management training) on a claim for DOS after the effective date. The provider is liable as per NCD 40.1. RHCs are not paid separately for DSMT and MNT services. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorRHCs should not bill codes G0108 or G0109. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
5WEXC | As submitted, this claim does not qualify for Medicare payment due to the principal diagnosis code supplied. If additional medical circumstances exist or if there is a more specific diagnosis code, indicate the appropriate diagnosis(s) for the claim on appeals. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 5WEXC
Error Description
As submitted, this claim does not qualify for Medicare payment due to the principal diagnosis code supplied. If additional medical circumstances exist or if there is a more specific diagnosis code, indicate the appropriate diagnosis(s) for the claim on appeals. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure all Medicare coverage and medical necessity requirements are met prior to billing. When the provider determines that Medicare will not cover the services, consider submitting the charges as noncovered. 5WEXC, based on coverage provisions in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Internet-Only Manual (IOM) Publication 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 16, General Exclusions from Coverage (200 KB) and the CMS IOM Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 18, Preventive and Screening Services (1 MB). A review of these regulations confirms the conclusion that most dental services and routine services are not part of the Medicare benefit. Although these services may have been paid previously, new edits may now result in the denial of services that are not covered under Medicare. NGS recommends review of our most recent policies as well as the CMS policies to assure proper coding and billing, as well as prompt and correct payment. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
5WEXC | As submitted, this claim does not qualify for Medicare payment due to the principal diagnosis code supplied. If additional medical circumstances exist or if there is a more specific diagnosis code, indicate the appropriate diagnosis(s) for the claim on appeals. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 5WEXC
Error Description
As submitted, this claim does not qualify for Medicare payment due to the principal diagnosis code supplied. If additional medical circumstances exist or if there is a more specific diagnosis code, indicate the appropriate diagnosis(s) for the claim on appeals. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure all Medicare coverage and medical necessity requirements are met prior to billing. When the provider determines that Medicare will not cover the services, consider submitting the charges as noncovered. 5WEXC, based on coverage provisions in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Internet-Only Manual (IOM) Publication 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 16, General Exclusions from Coverage and the CMS IOM Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 18, Preventive and Screening Services. A review of these regulations confirms the conclusion that most dental services and routine services are not part of the Medicare benefit. Although these services may have been paid previously, new edits may now result in the denial of services that are not covered under Medicare. NGS recommends review of our most recent policies as well as the CMS policies to assure proper coding and billing, as well as prompt and correct payment. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
CO-109 | Claim/service not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim to the correct payer/contractor. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-109
Error Description
Claim/service not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim to the correct payer/contractor. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis denial is received when your Medicare patient is enrolled in an MA plan, instead of “traditional fee-for-service” Medicare. MA plans are health plans offered by private companies approved by Medicare that replaces a beneficiary's traditional Medicare plan. When actively enrolled into an MA plan, please submit the patient's Medicare claims to that MA Plan. Our NGSConnex provider portal provides patient eligibility and benefit information (including MA information) to assist in determining if your patient is enrolled in a MA plan. Reviewed: Jan 17, 2025 |
CO-109 | Claim/service not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim/service to the correct payer/contractor. Remark Code N105: This is a misdirected claim/service for an RRB beneficiary. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-109
Error Description
Claim/service not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim/service to the correct payer/contractor. Remark Code N105: This is a misdirected claim/service for an RRB beneficiary. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorDuring patient registration it’s important for office staff to identify whether a beneficiary’s claims should be covered by another contractor. Providers shall use NGSConnex to verify patient eligibility and benefit information. Submit paper claims to the RRB carrier: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 10066, Augusta, GA 30999. For RRB EDI information for electronic claims processing call 888-355-9165. Reviewed: Jan 17, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N265 - Missing/incomplete/invalid ordering provider primary identifier. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N265 - Missing/incomplete/invalid ordering provider primary identifier. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCertain services require the submission of the ordering physicians or referring physician’s name and NPI. Submission of this information is conditional depending on the type of service provided. Definition of ordering or referring physician:
All claims for Medicare-covered services and items that are a result of a physician’s order or referral must include the ordering/referring physician’s name and NPI in Item 17 and 17b of the CMS-1500 claim form or electronic equivalent. This includes:
Verify Item 17 and 17b of the CMS-1500 claim form or electronic equivalent to ensure the information entered was correct/populated and resubmit the claim with the correction(s). Note: Since, this is considered a rejection you will not have the option to reopen/appeal the claim. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
W7010 | The provider determined that the billed services are noncovered or excluded; thus, this claim was submitted with condition code 21 to obtain a Medicare denial. The services on this “no-pay” claim may now be submitted to another insurer. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code W7010
Error Description
The provider determined that the billed services are noncovered or excluded; thus, this claim was submitted with condition code 21 to obtain a Medicare denial. The services on this “no-pay” claim may now be submitted to another insurer. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCondition Code 21 is appropriate to use to submit on a “no pay” claim when seeking a denial from Medicare to facilitate payment by subsequent insurers. This denial allows the subsequent insurer to consider payment of the services. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code MA112: |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code MA112: The group practice information is either missing from this claim or invalid group information has been entered. Verify Items 33-33b on the CMS-1500 claim form, or its electronic equivalent the following information, on the claim, from the CMS-1500 Claim Form Completion Instructions/Medicare Part B CMS-1500 Crosswalk for 5010 Electronic Claims in order to ensure they are properly completed. Note: Since, this is considered a rejection you will not have the option to reopen/appeal the claim. Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
CO-119 | Alert: You may be subject to penalties if you bill the patient for amounts not reported with the PR group code. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-119
Error Description
Alert: You may be subject to penalties if you bill the patient for amounts not reported with the PR group code. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe beneficiary has reached their therapy cap limit for the year. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 repealed application of the Medicare outpatient therapy caps but retains the former cap amounts as a threshold above which claims must include the KX modifier as a confirmation that services are medically necessary as justified by appropriate documentation in the medical record. For CY 2024, the limit on incurred expenses is $2,330 for PT and SLP services combined. There’s another limit of $2,330 for OT services. Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
CO-22 | This care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-22
Error Description
This care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorDuring patient registration it’s important for office staff to identify whether a beneficiary’s claims should be covered by other insurance before, or in addition to, Medicare. Providers shall use NGSConnex to verify patient eligibility and benefit information to assist in determining the patient’s primary insurer. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |
CO-29 | The time limit for filing has expired. Remark Code N211 |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-29
Error Description
The time limit for filing has expired. Remark Code N211 Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorProviders must file claims within a qualifying time limit to be eligible for Medicare reimbursement. The timely filing requirement is one calendar year after the date of service. The provider may not charge the beneficiary for the services except for deductible and/or coinsurance amounts as would have been appropriate if Medicare payment had been made. CMS permits Medicare contractors to extend the time limit for filing a claim beyond one calendar year if the provider can show good cause for the delay. Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
CO-B7 | This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-B7
Error Description
This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThere is an issue with the billing and/or rendering provider credentialing information per provider enrollment, provider information submitted on the claim and/or or the services provided are not allowed per the providers specialty/credentials. This could reflect a number of possible issues. It is important to verify the information submitted on the claims and to verify the credentialing via PECOS. The following scenarios would apply:
Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
OA-18 | Exact duplicate claim/service. |
Claim Error Reason Code OA-18
Error Description
Exact duplicate claim/service. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorA duplicate claim submission occurs when a provider resubmits a claim either on paper or electronically for a single encounter and the service is provided by the same provider to the:
If more than one claim is submitted for the same item for the same date of service, the second claim will be denied as duplicate. This can occur even if the original claim is in a processing status waiting to be paid. It is critical that you do not resubmit another claim until you know the status of your original submission. If you haven’t received your RA, and you submit claim(s) again, you may receive the duplicate claim denial before you receive the RA for the first submission detailing the payment or denial of services. Electronic Claim Submitter Tips:
Remittance Advice Tips:
Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
OA-18 | Exact duplicate claim/service. |
Claim Error Reason Code OA-18
Error Description
Exact duplicate claim/service. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorA duplicate claim submission occurs when a provider resubmits a claim either on paper or electronically for a single encounter and the service is provided by the same provider to the:
If more than one claim is submitted for the same item for the same date of service, the second claim will be denied as duplicate. This can occur even if the original claim is in a processing status waiting to be paid. It is critical that you do not resubmit another claim until you know the status of your original submission. If you haven’t received your RA, and you submit claim(s) again, you may receive the duplicate claim denial before you receive the RA for the first submission detailing the payment or denial of services. Electronic Claim Submitter Tips:
Remittance Advice Tips:
Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
PR-204 | This service/equipment/drug is not covered under the patient's current benefit plan. |
Claim Error Reason Code PR-204
Error Description
This service/equipment/drug is not covered under the patient's current benefit plan. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorMedicare Fee-for-Service does not cover the service that has been billed for the condition. The CPT/HCPCS on the claim is not a covered Medicare service/equipment or drug. There are multiple reasons for denial which includes the following, but is not limited to:
To avoid future denials please use the following resources, as well as the most current CPT/HCPCS coding books, to verify if the code you want to bill to Medicare is a covered service:
Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
PR-31 | Patient cannot be identified as our insured. |
Claim Error Reason Code PR-31
Error Description
Patient cannot be identified as our insured. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorServices were denied for one or more of the following reasons:
To reduce or eliminate these types of claim denials, patient screening is vital to an office’s success in obtaining the essential information needed for correct claim submission. Office personnel should obtain additional patient information when registering patients. This can be accomplished by having your patient complete a medical information/history and insurance information form. Also, pay close attention to:
Note: Utilize NGSConnex to obtain patient eligibility and benefit information. Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
PR-31 | Patient cannot be identified as our insured. |
Claim Error Reason Code PR-31
Error Description
Patient cannot be identified as our insured. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorServices were denied for one or more of the following reasons:
To reduce or eliminate these types of claim denials, patient screening is vital to an office’s success in obtaining the essential information needed for correct claim submission. Office personnel should obtain additional patient information when registering patients. Usually this is accomplished by the patient completing a medical information/history and insurance information form. Pay close attention to:
Note: Utilize NGSConnex to obtain patient eligibility and benefit information. Reviewed: Jan 15, 2025 |
31191 | Home Health: TOB is equal to home health NOA 32A and Admission Date, From Date and Through date do not match. |
Claim Error Reason Code 31191
Error Description
Home Health: TOB is equal to home health NOA 32A and Admission Date, From Date and Through date do not match. Avoiding/Correcting This Error:When submitting the NOA, all date fields must match. Since the NOA is the start of the admission period, the "From" date, "Through" date and "Admission" date should all be the same. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
31605 | Claim has occurrence code 77 with ‘From’ and ‘Through’ dates indicating non-coverage during this time. However, a line item date is present that is equal to or within this non-covered time and the charges are greater than zero.
Claim Error Reason Code 31605
Error Description
Claim has occurrence code 77 with ‘From’ and ‘Through’ dates indicating non-coverage during this time. However, a line item date is present that is equal to or within this non-covered time and the charges are greater than zero.
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe occurrence span code 77 should only be used to indicate the span of days that were not covered on claims. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
31836 | Claim line returned because the HCPCS code on the applicable revenue code line has a status code of M but the TOB is not 85X or the TOB is 85X, but the revenue code is not equal to 96X, 97X, or 98X. The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule status indicator "M" describe services for physicians or professionals only. |
Claim Error Reason Code 31836
Error Description
Claim line returned because the HCPCS code on the applicable revenue code line has a status code of M but the TOB is not 85X or the TOB is 85X, but the revenue code is not equal to 96X, 97X, or 98X. The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule status indicator "M" describe services for physicians or professionals only. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate, correct and resubmit the claim for payment. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
31836 | Claim line returned because the HCPCS code on the applicable revenue code line has a status code of M but the TOB is not 85X or the TOB is 85X, but the revenue code is not equal to 96X, 97X, or 98X. The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule status indicator "M" describe services for physicians or professionals only. |
Claim Error Reason Code 31836
Error Description
Claim line returned because the HCPCS code on the applicable revenue code line has a status code of M but the TOB is not 85X or the TOB is 85X, but the revenue code is not equal to 96X, 97X, or 98X. The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule status indicator "M" describe services for physicians or professionals only. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate, correct and resubmit the claim for payment. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32078 | For the specific type of bills listed, the claim contains one or more revenue codes that are not valid for the type of bill:
Claim Error Reason Code 32078
Error Description
For the specific type of bills listed, the claim contains one or more revenue codes that are not valid for the type of bill:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure the appropriate revenue code(s) and HCPCS/CPT code(s) are reported on the claim and each claim line contains the correct service date. Verify the information billed and PF9 to resubmit. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32243 | Line level error due to one or more revenue code lines billed with total charges that are either blank or zero. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32243
Error Description
Line level error due to one or more revenue code lines billed with total charges that are either blank or zero. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview the claim and either update the charges or remove the line containing zero or blank charges. Return the claim for processing. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32243 | Line level error due to one or more revenue code lines billed with total charges that are either blank or zero. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32243
Error Description
Line level error due to one or more revenue code lines billed with total charges that are either blank or zero. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview the claim and either update the charges or remove the line containing zero or blank charges. Return the claim for processing. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32266 | When billing for the administration of influenza, hepatitis, or pneumococcal vaccine, you must report the HCPCS code in conjunction with revenue code 771. This applies to the administration of influenza virus vaccine HCPCS code G0008, the administration of pneumococcal vaccine HCPCS code G0009, the administration of hepatitis b vaccine HCPCS code G0010, or the Influenza A (H1N1) immunization administration HCPCS code G9141 (includes the physician counseling the patient/family). This also applies to COVID-19 vaccine administration HCPCS codes and COVID-19 Non-Administration HCPCS codes. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32266
Error Description
When billing for the administration of influenza, hepatitis, or pneumococcal vaccine, you must report the HCPCS code in conjunction with revenue code 771. This applies to the administration of influenza virus vaccine HCPCS code G0008, the administration of pneumococcal vaccine HCPCS code G0009, the administration of hepatitis b vaccine HCPCS code G0010, or the Influenza A (H1N1) immunization administration HCPCS code G9141 (includes the physician counseling the patient/family). This also applies to COVID-19 vaccine administration HCPCS codes and COVID-19 Non-Administration HCPCS codes. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReport influenza virus, pneumococcal pneumonia virus, and COVID-19 vaccines (and administration) with your charges on the 77X claim for informational and data collection purposes only. Report revenue code 0771 with the appropriate HCPCS/CPT code and actual charges on the claim line. The costs for these vaccines for are included in the FQHC’s cost report. Neither coinsurance nor deductible apply to either of these vaccines. Hepatitis B vaccine is included in the PPS encounter rate. The charges of the vaccine and its administration can be included on a claim for a qualifying encounter. Report revenue code 0771 with the appropriate HCPCS/CPT code and actual charges on the claim line. For any vaccination, an encounter cannot be billed if vaccine administration is the only service the FQHC provides. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32402 | Either the CPT or HCPCS code(s) reported on this claim was not been billed with a valid revenue code for the date(s) of service. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32402
Error Description
Either the CPT or HCPCS code(s) reported on this claim was not been billed with a valid revenue code for the date(s) of service. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify HCPCS code using the FISS DDE Inquiries HCPCS file (option 14) to determine the allowable revenue codes based upon the date of service. Verify billing and, if appropriate, correct the claim using the claims correction option to report the appropriate HCPCS/CPT code and resubmit the claim to your MAC. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32402 | Either the CPT or HCPCS code reported on the claim was not billed with a valid revenue code for the DOS on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32402
Error Description
Either the CPT or HCPCS code reported on the claim was not billed with a valid revenue code for the DOS on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify HCPCS code using the FISS Inquiries HCPCS file (option 14). Allowable revenue codes will be displayed based on DOS. Use the claims correction option to report the appropriate HCPCS/CPT code and resubmit the RTP claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32404 | Either the HCPCS code is missing from the claim (or) is not on file for one of the following reason(s):
Claim Error Reason Code 32404
Error Description
Either the HCPCS code is missing from the claim (or) is not on file for one of the following reason(s):
Verify HCPCS code using the FISS Inquiries HCPCS file (option 14). Allowable HCPCS codes will be displayed based on DOS. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorUse the claims correction option to report the appropriate HCPCS/CPT code and resubmit the RTP claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
32415 | The claim contains a vaccine HCPCS code; however, the required condition code A6 was not billed on the claim. Condition code A6 is required when billing for vaccine(s) and/or vaccine administration. |
Claim Error Reason Code 32415
Error Description
The claim contains a vaccine HCPCS code; however, the required condition code A6 was not billed on the claim. Condition code A6 is required when billing for vaccine(s) and/or vaccine administration. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure the correct HCPCS code(s) were billed. Add condition code A6 when vaccine-related codes are billed. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34538 | Hospice: Claim submitted as Medicare primary and a positive working elderly record exists at CWF. The claim should be billed to the primary insurer. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 34538
Error Description
Hospice: Claim submitted as Medicare primary and a positive working elderly record exists at CWF. The claim should be billed to the primary insurer. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf this is correct: Follow MSP billing guidelines and submit the claim accordingly. If this is incorrect: As part of a provider’s eligibility verification process for Medicare beneficiaries, which is required to be conducted before claims are submitted to Medicare, providers should be checking for MSP file(s) on CWF. If you have information that disputes open records - we are not the Medicare office that manages those files. Please contact the BCRC: Monday‒Friday, 8:00 a.m.‒8:00 p.m. ET (except holidays)
Address for general MSP correspondence: Fax: 405-869-3307 In addition, providers should utilize all available/applicable condition codes, occurrence codes and remarks opportunities when submitting Medicare primary claims when there is an active MSP file on CWF. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34538 | The claim was submitted as Medicare primary but an open MSP Working Aged record (VC = 12; Payer Code = A) is in CWF and the claim did not contain the reason Medicare is primary (such as a retirement date). |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 34538
Error Description
The claim was submitted as Medicare primary but an open MSP Working Aged record (VC = 12; Payer Code = A) is in CWF and the claim did not contain the reason Medicare is primary (such as a retirement date). Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34538 | The claim was submitted as Medicare primary but an open MSP Working Aged record (VC = 12; Payer Code = A) is in CWF and the claim did not contain the reason Medicare is primary (such as a retirement date). |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 34538
Error Description
The claim was submitted as Medicare primary but an open MSP Working Aged record (VC = 12; Payer Code = A) is in CWF and the claim did not contain the reason Medicare is primary (such as a retirement date). Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34538 | The claim was submitted as Medicare primary but an open MSP Working Aged record (VC = 12; Payer Code = A) is in CWF and the claim did not contain the reason Medicare is primary (such as a retirement date). |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 34538
Error Description
The claim was submitted as Medicare primary but an open MSP Working Aged record (VC = 12; Payer Code = A) is in CWF and the claim did not contain the reason Medicare is primary (such as a retirement date). Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34963 | The attending physician information on claim page 5 is not correct due to:
Claim Error Reason Code 34963
Error Description
The attending physician information on claim page 5 is not correct due to:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate correct and return the claim. Online providers should press PF9 to restore the claim. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34963 | The attending physician information on claim page 5 is not correct due to:
Claim Error Reason Code 34963
Error Description
The attending physician information on claim page 5 is not correct due to:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate correct and return the claim. Online providers should press PF9 to restore the claim. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34963 | The attending physician information on claim page 5 is not correct due to:
Claim Error Reason Code 34963
Error Description
The attending physician information on claim page 5 is not correct due to:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate correct and return the claim. Online providers should press PF9 to restore the claim. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34977 | Practice address issue: Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. The practice address present on the claim does not match the address on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. |
Claim Error Reason Code 34977
Error Description
Practice address issue: Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. The practice address present on the claim does not match the address on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf you are billing for on-campus services only:
Please verify billing and, if appropriate, correct by updating the practice address on the claim to exactly match the address on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or in PECOS. Online Providers: Press PF9 to store the claim. Other Providers: Return to the MAC. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34977 | Practice address issue: Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. The practice address present on the claim does not match the address on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. |
Claim Error Reason Code 34977
Error Description
Practice address issue: Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. The practice address present on the claim does not match the address on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf you are billing for on-campus services only:
Please verify billing and, if appropriate, correct by updating the practice address on the claim to exactly match the address on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or in PECOS. Online Providers: Press PF9 to store the claim. Other Providers: Return to the MAC. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34985 | The PO modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PO modifier is not present on the claim.
Claim Error Reason Code 34985
Error Description
The PO modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PO modifier is not present on the claim.
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe PO modifier is used on all claim lines for all services, procedures and/or surgeries provided at an excepted off-campus provider-based outpatient department (PBD). The PO modifier applies to a grandfather/excepted PBD. Grandfathered means that the facility became PD before 11/2/2015. Please verify billing and, if appropriate correct by updating the PO modifier to the applicable claim line(s). Online Providers: Press PF9 to store the claim. Other Providers: Return to the MAC. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34985 | The PO modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PO modifier is not present on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code 34985
Error Description
The PO modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PO modifier is not present on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe PO modifier is used on all claim lines for all services, procedures and/or surgeries provided at an excepted off-campus provider-based outpatient department (PBD). The PO modifier applies to a grandfather/excepted PBD. Grandfathered means that the facility became PD before 11/2/2015. Please verify billing and, if appropriate correct by updating the PO modifier to the applicable claim line(s). Online Providers: Press PF9 to store the claim. Other Providers: Return to the MAC. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34986 | The PN modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PN modifier is not present on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code 34986
Error Description
The PN modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PN modifier is not present on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe PN modifier is used on all claim lines for all services, procedures and/or surgeries provided at an excepted off-campus outpatient, PBD of a hospital. The PN modifier applies to a grandfather/excepted PBD for DOS on/after 1/1/2017. Non-grandfathered means that the off-campus practice location has an effective date on or after 11/2/2015. Please verify billing and, if appropriate correct by updating the PN modifier to the applicable claim line(s). Online Providers: Press PF9 to store the claim. Other Providers: Return to the MAC. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34986 | The PN modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PN modifier is not present on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code 34986
Error Description
The PN modifier is missing from one or more claim lines. Claim level reason code appliable to a 13X or 14X TOB. A practice location is present on the claim and matches to an entry on the Provider Practice Address Query Screen (MAP1AB2) in FISS DDE or PECOS. However, the PN modifier is not present on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe PN modifier is used on all claim lines for all services, procedures and/or surgeries provided at an excepted off-campus outpatient, PBD of a hospital. The PN modifier applies to a grandfather/excepted PBD for DOS on/after 1/1/2017. Non-grandfathered means that the off-campus practice location has an effective date on or after 11/2/2015. Please verify billing and, if appropriate correct by updating the PN modifier to the applicable claim line(s). Online Providers: Press PF9 to store the claim. Other Providers: Return to the MAC. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
37098 | The 77X claim was returned because the FQHC PPS supplemental payment rate was not included on the claim for the Medicare Advantage Plan. |
Claim Error Reason Code 37098
Error Description
The 77X claim was returned because the FQHC PPS supplemental payment rate was not included on the claim for the Medicare Advantage Plan. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate, correct and return the claim. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
37098 | The 77X claim was returned because the FQHC PPS supplemental payment rate was not included on the claim for the Medicare Advantage Plan. |
Claim Error Reason Code 37098
Error Description
The 77X claim was returned because the FQHC PPS supplemental payment rate was not included on the claim for the Medicare Advantage Plan. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate, correct and return the claim. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38032 | The claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim, where the dates of service are the same and at least one revenue code and one diagnosis code matches the original claim. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38032
Error Description
The claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim, where the dates of service are the same and at least one revenue code and one diagnosis code matches the original claim. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38032 | The claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim, where the dates of service are the same and at least one revenue code and one diagnosis code matches the original claim. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38032
Error Description
The claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim, where the dates of service are the same and at least one revenue code and one diagnosis code matches the original claim. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38038 | Whether any revenue code lines are equal or not, OPPS bill types (12X, 13X, 14X, 76X, 75X, 34X, or any bill containing condition code 07) cannot have overlapping dates when the provider numbers are equal, unless condition code G0 or 20 or 21 is present on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code 38038
Error Description
Whether any revenue code lines are equal or not, OPPS bill types (12X, 13X, 14X, 76X, 75X, 34X, or any bill containing condition code 07) cannot have overlapping dates when the provider numbers are equal, unless condition code G0 or 20 or 21 is present on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCheck OPPS claims for potential overlapping dates of service prior to claim submission and bill accordingly An adjustment bill must be submitted
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38050 | This claim is a duplicate of a previously submitted home health claim. The first two positions of the TOB are 32X, 33X or 34X and the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same.
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38050
Error Description
This claim is a duplicate of a previously submitted home health claim. The first two positions of the TOB are 32X, 33X or 34X and the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same.
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCheck your remittance advice or the claims processing system for a previously submitted/processed claim before submitting any new billing. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38105 | Regardless of whether any revenue code lines are equal or not, outpatient TOB 13X, 14X, 83X, or 85X cannot have overlapping DOS when the PTANS are equal. There are a few exceptions such as when:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38105
Error Description
Regardless of whether any revenue code lines are equal or not, outpatient TOB 13X, 14X, 83X, or 85X cannot have overlapping DOS when the PTANS are equal. There are a few exceptions such as when:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and if appropriate, correct and resubmit the claim. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38119 | Effective with admissions on and after 4/1/1995, all inpatient SNF and non-PPS bills must be processed in sequence. We have not received the claim immediately preceding the dates of service on this bill. |
Claim Error Reason Code 38119
Error Description
Effective with admissions on and after 4/1/1995, all inpatient SNF and non-PPS bills must be processed in sequence. We have not received the claim immediately preceding the dates of service on this bill. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38119 | This claim reports DOS that are part of a continuing stay. We have not received the claim immediately preceding the DOS on this bill. |
Claim Error Reason Code 38119
Error Description
This claim reports DOS that are part of a continuing stay. We have not received the claim immediately preceding the DOS on this bill. SNF inpatient claims have to be processed in sequence. That means that when the beneficiary is going to be in the SNF as an inpatient for several months in a row, claims for the months the beneficiary is in the SNF must be submitted one at a time, in sequential order. Subsequent claims in the stay should not be submitted until the prior month’s claim has processed and finalized. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorSubmit continuing-stay claims one month at a time and allow the claim to process before submitting the next month’s claim.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38200 | This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38200
Error Description
This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorAlways verify the status of a submitted claim before submitting another claim. Verify claim status using the IVR system, FISS/DDE or the NGSConnex online portal. Per CMS mandate, PCC representatives are not permitted to provide claim status over the telephone. You can find the appropriate IVR telephone number on our website under Contact Us. Even though Medicare payments are generally made 14 days after submission for electronic claims (29 days for paper claims), you should not use this as a guideline for resubmitting a claim. If you submitted the duplicate claim in error and one of the claims paid, no additional action is required. If you submitted the duplicate claim in error and both claims rejected, resubmit one of the claims. If you submitted the duplicate claim to provide additional information for or to change the original claim, then adjust the original claim. If the original claim has not yet finalized, then wait for that claim to finalize (must appear on your remittance) and then submit the adjustment. Reasons to adjust claims include, but are not limited to:
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38200 | This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38200
Error Description
This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorAlways verify the status of a submitted claim before submitting another claim. Verify claim status using the IVR system, FISS/DDE or the NGSConnex online portal. Per CMS mandate, PCC representatives are not permitted to provide claim status over the telephone. You can find the appropriate IVR telephone number on our website under Contact Us. Even though Medicare payments are generally made 14 days after submission for electronic claims (29 days for paper claims), you should not use this as a guideline for resubmitting a claim. If you submitted the duplicate claim in error and one of the claims paid, no additional action is required. If you submitted the duplicate claim in error and both claims rejected, resubmit one of the claims. If you submitted the duplicate claim to provide additional information for or to change the original claim, then adjust the original claim. If the original claim has not yet finalized, then wait for that claim to finalize (must appear on your remittance) and then submit the adjustment. Reasons to adjust claims include, but are not limited to:
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38312 | FQHC claim contains a LIDOS that matches another LIDOS on a previously submitted claim for the same beneficiary, same PTAN, and same LIDOS. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38312
Error Description
FQHC claim contains a LIDOS that matches another LIDOS on a previously submitted claim for the same beneficiary, same PTAN, and same LIDOS. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf appropriate, correct and resubmit a new claim. To prevent this error on future claims: Ensure you have received all charges from all departments and that no claim has been submitted for the same DOS and beneficiary prior to submitting a claim. Utilize the IVR system, NGSConnex or FISS to determine whether a claim has already been submitted for this date of service. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38312 | FQHC claim contains a LIDOS that matches another LIDOS on a previously submitted claim for the same beneficiary, same PTAN, and same LIDOS. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38312
Error Description
FQHC claim contains a LIDOS that matches another LIDOS on a previously submitted claim for the same beneficiary, same PTAN, and same LIDOS. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf appropriate, correct and resubmit a new claim. To prevent this error on future claims: Ensure you have received all charges from all departments and that no claim has been submitted for the same DOS and beneficiary prior to submitting a claim. Utilize the IVR system, NGSConnex or FISS to determine whether a claim has already been submitted for this date of service. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38312 | FQHC claim contains a LIDOS that matches another LIDOS on a previously submitted claim for the same beneficiary, same PTAN, and same LIDOS. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38312
Error Description
FQHC claim contains a LIDOS that matches another LIDOS on a previously submitted claim for the same beneficiary, same PTAN, and same LIDOS. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf appropriate, correct and resubmit a new claim. To prevent this error on future claims: Ensure you have received all charges from all departments and that no claim has been submitted for the same DOS and beneficiary prior to submitting a claim. Utilize the IVR system, NGSConnex or FISS to determine whether a claim has already been submitted for this date of service. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39721 | The requested nonmedical information was not received timely. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39721
Error Description
The requested nonmedical information was not received timely. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorTo have this claim considered for payment submit a new electronic billing with the requested information. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39929 | Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39929
Error Description
Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the line level rejection information to determine the rejection for each of the lines of the claim in question. Resubmit as appropriate. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Press<F10>/<PF10> twice to go back to the left view of claim page two or press <F8>/<PF8> to go to claim page three. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39929 | Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39929
Error Description
Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the line level rejection information to determine the rejection for each of the lines of the claim in question. Resubmit as appropriate. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Press<F10>/<PF10> twice to go back to the left view of claim page two or press <F8>/<PF8> to go to claim page three. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39929 | Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39929
Error Description
Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the line level rejection information to determine the rejection for each of the lines of the claim in question. Resubmit as appropriate. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Press<F10>/<PF10> twice to go back to the left view of claim page two or press <F8>/<PF8> to go to claim page three. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39929 | Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39929
Error Description
Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the line level rejection information to determine the rejection for each of the lines of the claim in question. Resubmit as appropriate. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Press<F10>/<PF10> twice to go back to the left view of claim page two or press <F8>/<PF8> to go to claim page three. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39934 | All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39934
Error Description
All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview each line level denial reason code(s). Follow the steps provided in that line level reason code narrative. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Important: Claims and claim line items that have been medically denied cannot be adjusted; providers must go through the appeals process to submit documentation to support any changes to denied line items. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39934 | All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39934
Error Description
All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview each line level denial reason code(s). Follow the steps provided in that line level reason code narrative. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Important: Claims and claim line items that have been medically denied cannot be adjusted; providers must go through the appeals process to submit documentation to support any changes to denied line items. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39934 | All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39934
Error Description
All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview each line level denial reason code(s). Follow the steps provided in that line level reason code narrative. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Important: Claims and claim line items that have been medically denied cannot be adjusted; providers must go through the appeals process to submit documentation to support any changes to denied line items. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39934 | All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39934
Error Description
All revenue code lines on the claim denied as noncovered and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary liability. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview each line level denial reason code(s). Follow the steps provided in that line level reason code narrative. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:
Important: Claims and claim line items that have been medically denied cannot be adjusted; providers must go through the appeals process to submit documentation to support any changes to denied line items. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
7C625 | Hospice: Status is 01. Check discharge reason and OC. |
Claim Error Reason Code 7C625
Error Description
Hospice: Status is 01. Check discharge reason and OC. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorHospice – Clarify reason for discharge. Claim is being returned for one of the following reasons:
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
7K073 | This claim was submitted as noncovered with Occurrence Span Code 77 indicating that the provider is liable. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 7K073
Error Description
This claim was submitted as noncovered with Occurrence Span Code 77 indicating that the provider is liable. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf the beneficiary is entitled to Medicare Part B, an ancillary claim may be submitted to your MAC. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
7K073 | This claim was submitted as noncovered with Occurrence Span Code 77 indicating that the provider is liable. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 7K073
Error Description
This claim was submitted as noncovered with Occurrence Span Code 77 indicating that the provider is liable. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf the beneficiary is entitled to Medicare Part B, an ancillary claim may be submitted to your MAC. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
C7010 | The service date(s) on this claim overlap a hospice election period and condition code 07 is not present. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code C7010
Error Description
The service date(s) on this claim overlap a hospice election period and condition code 07 is not present. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf services are unrelated to hospice stay, resubmit with condition code 07 (treatment of nonterminal illness for hospice patient). Verify hospice enrollment prior to claim submission by reviewing the CWF, the IVR system and FISS/DDE Provider Online System. If appropriate, make corrections and resubmit a new claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
C7010 | The service date(s) on this claim overlap a hospice election period and condition code 07 is not present. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code C7010
Error Description
The service date(s) on this claim overlap a hospice election period and condition code 07 is not present. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf services are unrelated to hospice stay, resubmit with condition code 07 (treatment of nonterminal illness for hospice patient). Verify hospice enrollment prior to claim submission by reviewing the CWF, HETS and FISS/DDE Provider Online System. If appropriate, make corrections and resubmit a new claim. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
C7010 | The service date(s) on this claim overlap a hospice election period and condition code 07 is not present. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code C7010
Error Description
The service date(s) on this claim overlap a hospice election period and condition code 07 is not present. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIf services are unrelated to hospice stay, resubmit with condition code 07 (treatment of nonterminal illness for hospice patient). Verify hospice enrollment prior to claim submission by reviewing the CWF, the IVR system and FISS/DDE Provider Online System. If appropriate, make corrections and resubmit a new claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5065 | Home Health and Hospice: The claim From date is prior to the MBI effective date on the CWF crosswalk file and the MBI is the oldest occurrence in the crosswalk file. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5065
Error Description
Home Health and Hospice: The claim From date is prior to the MBI effective date on the CWF crosswalk file and the MBI is the oldest occurrence in the crosswalk file. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorHHH may only bill services provided to the patient after the effective date of their Medicare coverage. Verify the effective date(s) for the MBI of the beneficiary prior to billing. If a new MBI has been issued to the beneficiary, all claims must be submitted with the new MBI. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5166 | Hospice: Hospice claim received and the ‘From’ date falls within an established hospice election period and the start “2” date is equal to zeros (no change of ownership or provider change has occurred). The provider number on this claim is not equal to provider “1” on established hospice election period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5166
Error Description
Hospice: Hospice claim received and the ‘From’ date falls within an established hospice election period and the start “2” date is equal to zeros (no change of ownership or provider change has occurred). The provider number on this claim is not equal to provider “1” on established hospice election period. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
37364 | Home Health: The dates of service fall within the span of days between the NOA receipt date and the claim From date on TOB 32X with Statement From Date on or after 01/01/2022, the NOA receipt date is 30 or more days from the claim From date, the payment amount returned from HH Pricer is equal to zero and the PROVIDER REIM field on MAP103A is blank. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 37364
Error Description
Home Health: The dates of service fall within the span of days between the NOA receipt date and the claim From date on TOB 32X with Statement From Date on or after 01/01/2022, the NOA receipt date is 30 or more days from the claim From date, the payment amount returned from HH Pricer is equal to zero and the PROVIDER REIM field on MAP103A is blank. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThere was an issue with NOAs incorrectly editing for U537F. Once the system was fixed, NOAs could be resubmitted and subsequently processed. NOAs submitted late due to this issue may have affected more than one period of care claim. All claims affected should be submitted with modifier KX appended to the HIPPS code on the 0023 revenue line and Remarks specifying the request for exception to the late NOA penalty. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
37402 | Hospice: The TOB is equal to a hospice claim (TOB 81X or 82X) and the claim From date is greater than 4/1/1998 and the receipt date is greater than or equal to 10/1/2005 and there is no claim with TOB 81x or 82x whose Thru date is exactly one day less than this claim's From date. Also, the reason code authorization field (claim page 9) does not contain this reason code. |
Claim Error Reason Code 37402
Error Description
Hospice: The TOB is equal to a hospice claim (TOB 81X or 82X) and the claim From date is greater than 4/1/1998 and the receipt date is greater than or equal to 10/1/2005 and there is no claim with TOB 81x or 82x whose Thru date is exactly one day less than this claim's From date. Also, the reason code authorization field (claim page 9) does not contain this reason code. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorHospice – This error occurs when a claim is submitted and the previous month's claim has not been found in the system or there is a gap between Through date of the previous claim and From date on this claim. Verify dates of service submitted on claim and ensure claims have been submitted in date order (no missing months). Note that there is a workaround when submitting adjustments to claims where there is a transfer in the benefit period. Enter the "Start Date 1" in the current benefit period as the admission date on the claim rather than the admission date. This will allow all days in the period to be counted in the RHC payment calculation. When resubmitting enter remarks: "adjust due to RHC errors SE17014." Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38031 | Hospice: This outpatient claim is a possible duplicate to a previously submitted outpatient claim and the following conditions exist:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38031
Error Description
Hospice: This outpatient claim is a possible duplicate to a previously submitted outpatient claim and the following conditions exist:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the ‘from’ and ‘through’ dates, provider number, revenue codes, HCPCS codes, and line item date of service on the bill. If the claim is truly a duplicate; no action is necessary. Providers should develop and implement a process to ensure that duplicate claims are not being submitted. If all information is correct, add the charges from the incoming claim to those of the paid claim by submit an adjustment to the processed claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38032 | Hospice: This outpatient claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim. The following situations exist:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38032
Error Description
Hospice: This outpatient claim is a duplicate of a previously processed outpatient claim. The following situations exist:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorProviders should develop and implement a process to ensure that duplicate claims are not being submitted.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38037 | Hospice: This outpatient claim contains service dates that equal or overlap a previously submitted outpatient claim from your facility. At least one of the revenue codes or HCPCS codes match. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38037
Error Description
Hospice: This outpatient claim contains service dates that equal or overlap a previously submitted outpatient claim from your facility. At least one of the revenue codes or HCPCS codes match. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorProviders should develop and implement a process to ensure that duplicate claims are not being submitted.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38054 | Home Health: This home health claim was submitted as a Medicare primary claim and contains service dates which overlap a previously submitted claim for the same provider with at least one matching revenue code. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38054
Error Description
Home Health: This home health claim was submitted as a Medicare primary claim and contains service dates which overlap a previously submitted claim for the same provider with at least one matching revenue code. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38055 | Home Health: This home health claim was submitted as a Medicare primary claim and contains service dates which overlap a previously submitted claim for the same provider with at least one matching revenue code. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38055
Error Description
Home Health: This home health claim was submitted as a Medicare primary claim and contains service dates which overlap a previously submitted claim for the same provider with at least one matching revenue code. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38200 | Home Health and Hospice: This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38200
Error Description
Home Health and Hospice: This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis reason code may be applied when an NOA and period of care claim are submitted at the same time or when an NOA and one is already in the system. If the NOA and claim were submitted at the same time, and no NOA has yet been processed for the admission period, resubmit the NOA and wait for it to process before submitting the claim. If the NOA already on the system needs to be corrected, cancel the processed NOA and after it has canceled, submit the NOA with the corrected information. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39929 | Home Health and Hospice: Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39929
Error Description
Home Health and Hospice: Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the line level rejection information to determine the rejection for each of the lines of the claim in question. Providers can see line details in NGSConnex and hover over the line item reason code(s) for details. You can access MAP171D for line item detail information:
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39934 | Home Health: All revenue lines denied and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary responsibility. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39934
Error Description
Home Health: All revenue lines denied and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary responsibility. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorYou can find line level information by accessing MAP171D in the FISS/DDE Provider Online System:
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5106 | Hospice: Hospice NOE received to add a new election period with a start date which falls within a previously established hospice election period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5106
Error Description
Hospice: Hospice NOE received to add a new election period with a start date which falls within a previously established hospice election period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorWhen the hospice NOE was received it fell within a previously established election period.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5194 | Hospice: A hospice NOE with an admission date on or after 10/1/2014 must be received within five calendar days after the effective date of the hospice election. An initial hospice claim (where the from date matches the admit date) has been received where the NOE was not received timely and OSC 77 is either missing or contains invalid dates. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5194
Error Description
Hospice: A hospice NOE with an admission date on or after 10/1/2014 must be received within five calendar days after the effective date of the hospice election. An initial hospice claim (where the from date matches the admit date) has been received where the NOE was not received timely and OSC 77 is either missing or contains invalid dates. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIn instances where a NOE is not timely-filed, the days of hospice care from the hospice admission date to the date the NOE is submitted to and subsequently processed by the Medicare contractor will not be covered. The hospice shall report these noncovered days on the claim with an OSC 77, and charges related to the these days shall be reported as noncovered, or the claim will be returned to the provider. The noncovered days will be provider liable, and the beneficiary cannot be billed for them. A hospice may request an exception to the timely filing NOE rules which, if approved, waives the consequences of filing a NOE late. Even if a hospice believes that exceptional circumstances beyond its control are the cause of its late-filed NOE, the hospice must still file the associated claim with the OSC 77 to identify the noncovered, provider liable days. The hospice will also report a KX modifier with the site of service code (Q HCPCS codes) associated with the earliest dated level of care line on the claim along with remarks to explain the reason for the late NOE. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5200 | Hospice: CMS’ records indicate that the beneficiary is not entitled to Medicare coverage for the type of services billed on the claim. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5200
Error Description
Hospice: CMS’ records indicate that the beneficiary is not entitled to Medicare coverage for the type of services billed on the claim. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify that the MBI on the claim is for the correct beneficiary.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5211 | Home Health and Hospice: The statement from/through date is greater than the date of death on the beneficiary master record. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5211
Error Description
Home Health and Hospice: The statement from/through date is greater than the date of death on the beneficiary master record. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the MBI and dates of service.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U537F | Home Health: The From date on the HH NOA falls within an existing home health admission period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U537F
Error Description
Home Health: The From date on the HH NOA falls within an existing home health admission period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorAlways verify billing before submitting a new NOA for a beneficiary admission. There should not already be an NOA in the system pending processing or finalized prior to submitting a new NOA for a beneficiary. HHAs should not submit multiple NOAs for same admission. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5600 | Hospice: The dates of service reported on this claim are a duplicate to a claim with the same dates of service that has previously processed. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5600
Error Description
Hospice: The dates of service reported on this claim are a duplicate to a claim with the same dates of service that has previously processed. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorProviders should develop and implement a process to ensure that duplicate claims are not being submitted.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
37364 | Home Health: The dates of service fall within the span of days between the NOA receipt date and the claim From date on TOB 32X with Statement From Date on or after 01/01/2022, the NOA receipt date is 30 or more days from the claim From date, the payment amount returned from HH Pricer is equal to zero and the PROVIDER REIM field on MAP103A is blank. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 37364
Error Description
Home Health: The dates of service fall within the span of days between the NOA receipt date and the claim From date on TOB 32X with Statement From Date on or after 01/01/2022, the NOA receipt date is 30 or more days from the claim From date, the payment amount returned from HH Pricer is equal to zero and the PROVIDER REIM field on MAP103A is blank. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThere was an issue with NOAs incorrectly editing for U537F. Once the system was fixed, NOAs could be resubmitted and subsequently processed. NOAs submitted late due to this issue may have affected more than one period of care claim. All claims affected should be submitted with modifier KX appended to the HIPPS code on the 0023 revenue line and Remarks specifying the request for exception to the late NOA penalty. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
37402 | Hospice: The TOB is equal to a hospice claim (TOB 81X or 82X) and the claim From date is greater than 4/1/1998 and the receipt date is greater than or equal to 10/1/2005 and there is no claim with TOB 81x or 82x whose Thru date is exactly one day less than this claim's From date. Also, the reason code authorization field (claim page 9) does not contain this reason code. |
Claim Error Reason Code 37402
Error Description
Hospice: The TOB is equal to a hospice claim (TOB 81X or 82X) and the claim From date is greater than 4/1/1998 and the receipt date is greater than or equal to 10/1/2005 and there is no claim with TOB 81x or 82x whose Thru date is exactly one day less than this claim's From date. Also, the reason code authorization field (claim page 9) does not contain this reason code. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorHospice – This error occurs when a claim is submitted and the previous month's claim has not been found in the system or there is a gap between Through date of the previous claim and From date on this claim. Verify dates of service submitted on claim and ensure claims have been submitted in date order (no missing months). Note that there is a workaround when submitting adjustments to claims where there is a transfer in the benefit period. Enter the "Start Date 1" in the current benefit period as the admission date on the claim rather than the admission date. This will allow all days in the period to be counted in the RHC payment calculation. When resubmitting enter remarks: "adjust due to RHC errors SE17014." Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38055 | Home Health: This home health claim was submitted as a Medicare primary claim and contains service dates which overlap a previously submitted claim for the same provider with at least one matching revenue code. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38055
Error Description
Home Health: This home health claim was submitted as a Medicare primary claim and contains service dates which overlap a previously submitted claim for the same provider with at least one matching revenue code. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
38200 | Home Health and Hospice: This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 38200
Error Description
Home Health and Hospice: This claim is an exact duplicate of a previously submitted claim where the following fields on the history and processing claim are the same:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis reason code may be applied when an NOA and period of care claim are submitted at the same time or when an NOA and one is already in the system. If the NOA and claim were submitted at the same time, and no NOA has yet been processed for the admission period, resubmit the NOA and wait for it to process before submitting the claim. If the NOA already on the system needs to be corrected, cancel the processed NOA and after it has canceled, submit the NOA with the corrected information. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
39934 | Home Health: All revenue lines denied and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary responsibility. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 39934
Error Description
Home Health: All revenue lines denied and one or more of the lines denote beneficiary responsibility. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorYou can find line level information by accessing MAP171D in the FISS/DDE Provider Online System:
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5106 | Hospice: Hospice NOE received to add a new election period with a start date which falls within a previously established hospice election period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5106
Error Description
Hospice: Hospice NOE received to add a new election period with a start date which falls within a previously established hospice election period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorWhen the hospice NOE was received it fell within a previously established election period.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5233 | Home Health: The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5233
Error Description
Home Health: The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCollect all insurance information from the beneficiary when admitted to your HHA. Talk to the beneficiary about insurance changes and check CWF before billing Medicare. Many times a claim will overlap an MAO period because it was open at the time of billing, but was subsequently closed by the time the provider researches the reason for rejection. The best way to avoid this reason code is to verify the beneficiary has traditional Medicare right before submitting the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U537F | Home Health: The From date on the HH NOA falls within an existing home health admission period. |
Claim Error Reason Code U537F
Error Description
Home Health: The From date on the HH NOA falls within an existing home health admission period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorAlways verify billing before submitting a new NOA for a beneficiary admission. There should not already be an NOA in the system pending processing or finalized prior to submitting a new NOA for a beneficiary. HHAs should not submit multiple NOAs for same admission. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
N5052 | The spelling of the beneficiary’s name or the beneficiary’s MBI on the claim differs from the information in the beneficiary’s master file. |
Claim Error Reason Code N5052
Error Description
The spelling of the beneficiary’s name or the beneficiary’s MBI on the claim differs from the information in the beneficiary’s master file. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe beneficiary’s name listed on the claim has to be an exact match to what is posted on CWF. Be sure that any special characters (including apostrophes, dashes, commas) and suffixes (Jr., Sr., III) that are included on the Medicare file are also reflected on the claim. A beneficiary’s MBI may be updated if coverage changes. Be sure to include the updated MBI on the claim. Use CWF or NGSConnex to verify the spelling of the beneficiary's name and/or identify a logically deleted MBI. Correct claim to update beneficiary's name and/MBI and resubmit the RTP claim. was issued for Medicare contractors to return claims to provider when the name and MBI on the claim does not match what is on CWF. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5065 | The MBI effective or end date is not within the dates of service submitted on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5065
Error Description
The MBI effective or end date is not within the dates of service submitted on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCheck/verify the beneficiary's entitlement dates in the CWF. A Medicare beneficiary, or their authorized representative, may have requested a new MBI. Verify eligibility and MBI number, correct and return the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5065 | The MBI effective or end date is not within the dates of service submitted on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5065
Error Description
The MBI effective or end date is not within the dates of service submitted on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCheck/verify the beneficiary's entitlement dates in the CWF. A Medicare beneficiary, or their authorized representative, may have requested a new MBI. Verify eligibility and MBI number, correct and return the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5065 | The MBI effective or end date is not within the dates of service submitted on the claim. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5065
Error Description
The MBI effective or end date is not within the dates of service submitted on the claim. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCheck/verify the beneficiary's entitlement dates in the CWF. A Medicare beneficiary, or their authorized representative, may have requested a new MBI. Verify eligibility and MBI number, correct and return the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5109 | Hospice revocation (8XB), change of provider (8XC), void of election period (8XD) or change of ownership (8XE) does not match to a posted election period on the hospice master record for this beneficiary. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5109
Error Description
Hospice revocation (8XB), change of provider (8XC), void of election period (8XD) or change of ownership (8XE) does not match to a posted election period on the hospice master record for this beneficiary. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorWhen submitting a transaction to indicate the beneficiary’s election to revoke the hospice benefit, transfer the patient, cancel the election, or a change of ownership, the information on the transactional bill type must match a current, open election for the beneficiary. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5111 | Hospice NOE received for revocation (8XB) or void of election period (8XD) and the start date on the transaction falls within a previously established hospice election period on the hospice master record for this beneficiary. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5111
Error Description
Hospice NOE received for revocation (8XB) or void of election period (8XD) and the start date on the transaction falls within a previously established hospice election period on the hospice master record for this beneficiary. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorHospice – When submitting a hospice Notice of Termination/Revocation (TOB 8XB) or a Cancel Notice of Election (TOB 8XD) ensure that the From date on the transaction matches the Start date posted on CWF for that hospice election period. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5113 | Hospice: The hospice NOE or revocation (8xB) and start date matches a posted hospice election period start date current termination date and revocation indicator is other than zero. This is a duplicate revocation notice, or a claim has processed with occurrence code ‘23’ date of cancellation, or ‘42’ date of hospice revocation, which has caused the revocation information to be posted to the master record. |
Claim Error Reason Code U5113
Error Description
Hospice: The hospice NOE or revocation (8xB) and start date matches a posted hospice election period start date current termination date and revocation indicator is other than zero. This is a duplicate revocation notice, or a claim has processed with occurrence code ‘23’ date of cancellation, or ‘42’ date of hospice revocation, which has caused the revocation information to be posted to the master record. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe 8xB (NOTR) transaction should only be submitted when the beneficiary revokes the hospice benefit or is discharged alive and there is no final claim in the system indicating termination of the hospice benefit. If the claim has already been filed with an occurrence code indicating the hospice benefit was terminated, the NOTR is not required. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 25, 2025 |
U5181 | Per the CMS IOM Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 11, Section 30.3, occurrence code 27 is reported on the claim for the billing period in which the certification or recertification was obtained. Therefore:
Claim Error Reason Code U5181
Error Description
Per the CMS IOM Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 11, Section 30.3, occurrence code 27 is reported on the claim for the billing period in which the certification or recertification was obtained. Therefore:
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure the usage of an appropriate certification or recertification date in accordance with occurrence code 27. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5200 | CMS’ records indicate that the beneficiary is not entitled to Medicare coverage for the type of services billed on the claim. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5200
Error Description
CMS’ records indicate that the beneficiary is not entitled to Medicare coverage for the type of services billed on the claim. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorPart of the eligibility verification process should include ensuring the dates of service fall within the Medicare entitlement period. Use the FISS/DDE Provider Online System, HETS or NGSConnex to verify beneficiary eligibility prior to claim submission. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5200 | Inpatient services are reported on the claim and the beneficiary’s Part A coverage is not in effect; or outpatient services are reported on the claim and the beneficiary’s Part B coverage is not in effect. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5200
Error Description
Inpatient services are reported on the claim and the beneficiary’s Part A coverage is not in effect; or outpatient services are reported on the claim and the beneficiary’s Part B coverage is not in effect. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorPart of the eligibility verification process should include ensuring the dates of service fall within the Medicare entitlement period. Use the FISS Provider Online System, HETS or NGSConnex to verify beneficiary eligibility prior to claim submission. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5200 | CMS’ records indicate that the beneficiary is not entitled to Medicare coverage for the type of services billed on the claim. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5200
Error Description
CMS’ records indicate that the beneficiary is not entitled to Medicare coverage for the type of services billed on the claim. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorPart of the eligibility verification process should include ensuring the dates of service fall within the Medicare entitlement period. Use the FISS/DDE Provider Online System or NGSConnex to verify beneficiary eligibility prior to claim submission. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5210 | The claim rejected because services were provided prior to the beneficiary’s Medicare Part A or Part B entitlement date; therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5210
Error Description
The claim rejected because services were provided prior to the beneficiary’s Medicare Part A or Part B entitlement date; therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEach beneficiary should be screened for eligibility. Part of the eligibility verification process should include ensuring the dates of service fall within the Medicare entitlement period. Use the FISS Provider Online System or NGSConnex to verify beneficiary eligibility prior to claim submission. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5210 | The claim rejected because services were provided prior to the beneficiary’s Medicare Part A or Part B entitlement date; therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5210
Error Description
The claim rejected because services were provided prior to the beneficiary’s Medicare Part A or Part B entitlement date; therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEach beneficiary should be screened for eligibility. Part of the eligibility verification process should include ensuring the dates of service fall within the Medicare entitlement period. Use the FISS Provider Online System, HETS or NGSConnex to verify beneficiary eligibility prior to claim submission. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5210 | The claim rejected because services were provided prior to the beneficiary’s Medicare Part A or Part B entitlement date; therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5210
Error Description
The claim rejected because services were provided prior to the beneficiary’s Medicare Part A or Part B entitlement date; therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEach beneficiary should be screened for eligibility. Part of the eligibility verification process should include ensuring the dates of service fall within the Medicare entitlement period. Use the IVR system, the FISS Provider Online System, or NGSConnex to verify beneficiary eligibility prior to claim submission. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5220 | The services billed on the claim were provided prior to the date the beneficiary was entitled to Medicare coverage. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5220
Error Description
The services billed on the claim were provided prior to the date the beneficiary was entitled to Medicare coverage. Therefore, no Medicare payment can be made. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the MBI and date(s) of service. If services were provided prior to the date the beneficiary was entitled to Medicare, no further action is necessary. Otherwise, correct and resubmit. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5233 | The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5233
Error Description
The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5233 | The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5233
Error Description
The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the admission date, from, and through dates on the claim and compare the dates to the HMO entitlement dates.
Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5233 | The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5233
Error Description
The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the admission date, from, and through dates on the claim and compare the dates to the HMO entitlement dates.
Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U5233 | The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U5233
Error Description
The services on this claim fall within or overlap an MA HMO enrollment period. For inpatient PPS claims, the admission date falls within the HMO enrollment period. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify the admission date, from, and through dates on the claim and compare the dates to the HMO entitlement dates.
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
34293 | Revenue code 519 is present and the beneficiary is not enrolled in a Medicare advantage plan under option code 'A', 'B', OR 'C'. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code 34293
Error Description
Revenue code 519 is present and the beneficiary is not enrolled in a Medicare advantage plan under option code 'A', 'B', OR 'C'. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorReview your beneficiary’s enrollment in a Medicare HMO/MAO prior to providing services. A beneficiary may drop MAO coverage; review the CWF, IVR, NGSConnex, or HETS to identify a termination date for the MAO plan. Related ContentReviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
U538Q | Services billed while beneficiary is unlawfully present in the United States. |
Rejection |
Claim Error Reason Code U538Q
Error Description
Services billed while beneficiary is unlawfully present in the United States. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorMedicare does not pay for medical items/services furnished to an alien beneficiary who was not lawfully present in the United States on the date of service that the items/services were furnished. Related ContentCMS IOM Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 1 - General Billing Requirements, Section 10.5 - Claims Processing Requirements for Deported Beneficiaries Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
W7072 | The claim contains a service that is not billable to the MAC. |
Claim Error Reason Code W7072
Error Description
The claim contains a service that is not billable to the MAC. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorVerify billing and, if appropriate, correct and resubmit the claim for payment. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
W7088 | FQHC PPS claim received a line level error due to no payment code billed. |
Claim Error Reason Code W7088
Error Description
FQHC PPS claim received a line level error due to no payment code billed. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEach FQHC PPS claim must be billed with a qualifying visit code, and associated line-item charges, along with all other FQHC services furnished during the encounter. A qualifying visit code is the code that qualifies the service for an encounter-based payment. Payment codes include codes G0466‒G0470. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
W7088 | FQHC PPS claim received a line level error due to no payment code billed. |
Claim Error Reason Code W7088
Error Description
FQHC PPS claim received a line level error due to no payment code billed. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEach FQHC PPS claim must be billed with a qualifying visit code, and associated line-item charges, along with all other FQHC services furnished during the encounter. A qualifying visit code is the code that qualifies the service for an encounter-based payment. Payment codes include codes G0466‒G0470. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
W7088 | FQHC PPS claim received a line level error due to no payment code billed. |
Claim Error Reason Code W7088
Error Description
FQHC PPS claim received a line level error due to no payment code billed. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEach FQHC PPS claim must be billed with a qualifying visit code, and associated line-item charges, along with all other FQHC services furnished during the encounter. A qualifying visit code is the code that qualifies the service for an encounter-based payment. Payment codes include codes G0466‒G0470. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
W7089 | FQHC PPS(77X TOB) claim contains one of the specific payment codes (G0466-G0470); however, a HCPCS code for the qualifying visit is not reported on the same day. |
Claim Error Reason Code W7089
Error Description
FQHC PPS(77X TOB) claim contains one of the specific payment codes (G0466-G0470); however, a HCPCS code for the qualifying visit is not reported on the same day. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorPayment for a FQHC encounter requires a medically necessary face-to-face visit. Each FQHC specific payment code (G0466-G0470) must have a corresponding service line with a HCPCS code that describes the qualifying visit. Verify billing. If appropriate, correct and resubmit the claim. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
W7089 | FQHC PPS(77X TOB) claim contains one of the specific payment codes (G0466-G0470); however, a HCPCS code for the qualifying visit is not reported on the same day. |
Claim Error Reason Code W7089
Error Description
FQHC PPS(77X TOB) claim contains one of the specific payment codes (G0466-G0470); however, a HCPCS code for the qualifying visit is not reported on the same day. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorPayment for a FQHC encounter requires a medically necessary face-to-face visit. Each FQHC specific payment code (G0466-G0470) must have a corresponding service line with a HCPCS code that describes the qualifying visit. Verify billing. If appropriate, correct and resubmit the claim. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
W7113 | The principal diagnosis code reported is considered supplementary or an additional code and cannot be used as the principal diagnoses. A supplementary or additional diagnosis code is not allowed as a principle diagnosis code. |
Claim Error Reason Code W7113
Error Description
The principal diagnosis code reported is considered supplementary or an additional code and cannot be used as the principal diagnoses. A supplementary or additional diagnosis code is not allowed as a principle diagnosis code. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorPrevent future similar errors by checking the I/OCE and ICD-10 official guidelines prior to claim submission. Verify the diagnosis codes reported; correct and resubmit. Related Content
Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N382 - Missing/incomplete/invalid patient identifier. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N382 - Missing/incomplete/invalid patient identifier. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIn 2020, CMS removed the SSN-based identifier from the Medicare card to protect beneficiaries and offer better identity protection. The MBI is the patient identification number assigned to Medicare beneficiaries. Claims submitted to Medicare contractors must contain the MBI. Verify the following:
Make the appropriate correction to the claim and resubmit. Note: If you have entered the MBI exactly how it appears on the Medicare ID card and the patient advises that it’s the most recent copy they have then the patient would need to contact Social Security to verify/obtain the correct information. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code MA112 - Missing/incomplete/invalid group practice information. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code MA112 - Missing/incomplete/invalid group practice information. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThe group practice information is either missing from the claim or invalid group information has been submitted on the claim. Verify Items 33 -33b on the CMS-1500 claim form, or its electronic equivalent, on the claim in order to ensure it was properly submitted. Note: Since, this is considered a rejection you will not have the option to reopen/appeal the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code MA120 |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code MA120 Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorCMS regulates all laboratory testing (except research) performed on humans in the U.S. through the CLIA. The objective of the CLIA program is to ensure quality laboratory testing. Although all clinical laboratories must be properly certified to receive Medicare or Medicaid payments, CLIA has no direct Medicare or Medicaid program responsibilities. You will want to check your claim and verify/enter the information in Item 23-Loop ID 2300 Segment/Data Element REF02 Enter the 10-digit CLIA certification number for laboratory services billed by an entity performing CLIA-covered procedures. For additional information about a particular laboratory, contact the appropriate state agency or regional office of CLIA, and refer to CLIA regulations and guidance. Visit Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) for additional information. Note: Since, this is considered a rejection you will not have the option to reopen/appeal the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N382 - Missing/incomplete/invalid patient identifier. |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N382 - Missing/incomplete/invalid patient identifier. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorIn 2020, CMS removed the SSN-based identifier from the Medicare card to protect beneficiaries and offer better identity protection. The MBI is the patient identification number assigned to Medicare beneficiaries. Claims submitted to Medicare contractors must contain the MBI. Verify the following information:
Make the appropriate correction to the claim and resubmit. If you have entered the MBI exactly how it appears on the Medicare ID card and the patient advises that it’s the most recent copy, then the patient would need to contact Social Security to verify/obtain the correct information. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N822: Missing procedure modifier(s). |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N822: Missing procedure modifier(s). Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorWe were unable to process this claim do it missing a required modifier for the CPT/HCPCS submitted. Modifiers may be used to indicate any of the following:
Verify the information that was submitted on the claim and identify the appropriate modifier and resubmit the claim. Note: Since, this is considered a rejection you will not have the option to reopen/appeal the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
CO-16 | Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N822 - Missing procedure modifier(s). |
Claim Error Reason Code CO-16
Error Description
Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). Remark Code N822 - Missing procedure modifier(s). Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorWe were unable to process this claim do a missing required modifier for the CPT/HCPCS submitted. Please review a full listing of Modifiers Used in CMS-1500 Claim Reporting and append the appropriate modifier and resubmit the claim. Note: Since, this is considered a rejection you will not have the option to reopen/appeal the claim. Reviewed: Jan 14, 2025 |
55H2B | Documentation submitted does not support homebound status. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55H2B
Error Description
Documentation submitted does not support homebound status. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorEnsure the submitted documentation supports the beneficiary is confined to the home.
Related ContentReviewed: Oct 22, 2024 |
55H20 | Home Health: This claim was denied after review. The provider’s determination of noncoverage is correct. |
Denial |
Claim Error Reason Code 55H20
Error Description
Home Health: This claim was denied after review. The provider’s determination of noncoverage is correct. Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis denial is based on review of a claim that was submitted as a demand bill. The charges on this claim are beneficiary liable. The beneficiary may be billed for these charges. Reviewed: Oct 22, 2024 |
CO-109 | Claim not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim/service to the correct payer/contractor.
Claim Error Reason Code CO-109
Error Description
Claim not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim/service to the correct payer/contractor.
Avoiding/Correcting This ErrorThis denial is received when your Medicare patient is enrolled in a MA plan, instead of “traditional fee-for-service” Medicare. MA plans are health plans offered by private companies approved by Medicare that replaces a beneficiary's traditional Medicare plan. When actively enrolled into an MA Plan, please submit the patient's Medicare claims to that MA Plan. Our NGSConnex provider portal provides patient eligibility and benefit information (including MA information) to assist in determining if your patient is enrolled in a MA plan. Reviewed: Jan 16, 2025 |