- Hospital Billing for Beneficiaries Enrolled in Option Code C Medicare Advantage Organization Plans
- Inpatient Admission Prior to Medicare Entitlement Job Aid
- Hospital Acquired Conditions and Present on Admission Resource for Acute Care Hospital Facilities
- JK: Medicare Paid Hospital Providers Twice for Nonphysician Outpatient Services Provided Shortly Before or During Inpatient IPPS Hospital Stays
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Hospital Billing for Beneficiaries Enrolled in Option Code C Medicare Advantage Organization Plans
A Medicare beneficiary can choose to enroll in an option code C MAO plan. If they do, that plan replaces their original Medicare. Original Medicare is not secondary to the MAO plan because the beneficiary is not enrolled in both. You can check if a beneficiary is enrolled in an option code C MAO plan using NGSConnex and/or HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System (HETS).
If you render outpatient or inpatient hospital services to a beneficiary who is enrolled in an option code C MAO plan at the time of services, submit a claim for those services to that MAO plan. Do not submit a claim to us instead as we will reject it based on the beneficiary’s MAO plan enrollment.
Beneficiary Is Enrolled in an MAO Plan for a Portion of an Inpatient Hospital Stay
In most situations, the MAO plan is in effect during a beneficiary’s entire inpatient hospital stay. Because an inpatient hospital stay can span multiple dates, you may determine an MAO plan was in effect for only a portion of that stay. If this is the case, you must determine which payer is responsible for the inpatient stay – the option code C MAO plan, original Medicare or a combination of both. Refer to your hospital type below to determine the responsible payer(s):
- PPS hospitals – ACHs, IPFs, IRFs and LTCHs: The beneficiary’s enrollment status (in original Medicare or an MAO plan) at the time of inpatient admission to your hospital determines liability for the inpatient stay.
- If a beneficiary is enrolled in original Medicare at admission, submit a claim for the inpatient stay to us, even if the beneficiary’s enrollment in an MAO plan (and disenrollment from original Medicare) becomes effective during that stay.
- If a beneficiary is enrolled in an MAO plan at admission, submit a claim for the inpatient stay to the MAO plan, even if the beneficiary’s disenrollment from that MAO plan (and enrollment in original Medicare) becomes effective during that stay.
- Non-PPS hospitals – cancer hospitals, children’s hospitals, CAHs: The beneficiary’s enrollment status (in original Medicare or an MAO plan) at the time of the actual services in your hospital determines liability for the days within the inpatient stay. Therefore, split the inpatient stay and submit separate claims; a claim to us for our portion of the stay and a claim to the MAO plan for its portion of the stay.
- Example:
- A beneficiary
- Was admitted to a cancer hospital on 8/25 and was enrolled in original Medicare on the day of the admission
- Enrolled in an MAO plan which became effective on 9/1
- Was discharged from the cancer hospital on 9/5
- The cancer hospital
- Submits a claim to original Medicare for 8/25-8/31
- Submits a claim to the MAO plan for 9/1-9/5
- A beneficiary
- Example:
Original Medicare Requires Inpatient Hospital Claims for MAO Plan Enrollees
Teaching hospitals (all types), hospitals with only an approved N&AH program, non-teaching hospitals (except IPFs) and CAHs are required to submit an inpatient claim to us in addition to the option code C MAO plan for a beneficiary enrolled in that plan, whether the beneficiary was enrolled in the MAO plan during their entire inpatient stay or for only a portion of it. We refer to these additional inpatient hospital claims as informational, tracking, no-payment or shadow claims and you are required to submit them to us for one or more of the following reasons:
- Tracking the beneficiary’s inpatient Medicare benefit period
- Payment of DGME or IME to teaching hospitals when the claim processes or through the cost report
- Payment of N&AH to hospitals with an approved N&AH program through the cost report
- Making DSH payments or LIP adjustments
- Electronic health records
Note: You are not submitting these claims to receive an MSP payment.
Hospital Billing – General Guidelines
Submit inpatient claims to us after you submit them to the MAO plan but within our one-year timely filing timeframe. You should do so even if the MAO plan did not pay the claim for any reason other than the beneficiary was not enrolled in their plan. When preparing the inpatient claim, report:
- Original Medicare as the payer (do not report the MAO plan and do not code as MSP claim)
- Beneficiary’s MBI (obtain from beneficiary)
- All the usual claim requirements for the services (IRFs must report actual HIPPS code)
- The TOB, covered or noncovered days/charges and the condition code(s) (CC) 04 and/or 69 or per the instructions in the Hospital Billing Table below
- CC Definitions:
- CC 04 = MAO plan enrollee
- CC 69 = Billing for medical education (IME, DGME or N&AH)
Hospital Billing Table
Hospital Type | TOB | Days and Charges | CC(s) | Reason Code | Payment |
ACHs - Teaching | Covered 111 | Covered | 04, 69 | 37210 | IME through claim |
Hospitals other than ACHs - Teaching | Covered 111 | Covered | 04, 69 | 37574 | DGME through cost report |
ACHs with approved N&AH program | Non-covered 110 | Non-covered | 04, 69 | 79995 | N&AH through cost report |
Hospitals other than ACHs with approved N&AH program | Non-covered 110 | Non-covered | 04, 69 | 39934 | N&AH through cost report |
Hospitals (ACHs, IRFs and LTCHs) - Non-Teaching | Covered 111 | Covered | 04 | 3719C | Not applicable |
CAHs | Covered 111 | Covered | 04 | 3719C | Not applicable |
If you are required to submit inpatient claims to us after the MAO plan and you do so incorrectly, we reject the claims with reason code U5233 and you will need to resubmit correctly coded claims.
Related Content
CMS IOM Publications:
- 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 1, Section 90, “Patient Is a Member of a Medicare Advantage (MA) Organization for Only a Portion of the Billing Period”
- 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 3
- Section 20.3, “Additional Payment Amounts for Hospitals with Disproportionate Share of Low-Income Patients”
- Section 20.8, “P Payment to Hospitals and Units Excluded from IPPS for Direct Graduate Medical Education (DGME) and Nursing and Allied Health (N&AH) Education for Medicare Advantage (MA) Enrollees”
- Section, “Low-Income Patient (LIP) Adjustment: The Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Medicare Beneficiary Data for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs) Paid Under the Prospective Payment System (PPS)”
- Section 200.2, “Submission of Informational Only Bills for Maryland Waiver Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs)”
- 100-16, Medicare Managed Care Manual
- Change Request (CR) 7415, “Accumulation of Informational Only Claims with Condition Code 04 from Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) and Maryland Waiver Hospitals on the Provider Statistical and Reimbursement Report (PS and R)”
Posted 11/15/2024