Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Verify the admission date and from date on this claim
Verify the patient’s MBI to make sure that it has been correctly reported
If the MBI is incorrect, this edit will be assigned
If admission and from dates [...]
SNF inpatient claims have to be processed in sequence. That means that when the beneficiary is going to be in the SNF as an inpatient for several months in a row, claims for the months the beneficiary is in the SNF must be submitted one at a [...]
Avoiding/Correcting This Error
If you are billing for on-campus services only:
Report the billing provider address only in the billing provider loop 2010AA
Do not report any service facility location in loop 2310E (or in DDE MAP 171F [...]
Avoiding/Correcting This Error
If you are billing for on-campus services only:
Report the billing provider address only in the billing provider loop 2010AA
Do not report any service facility location in loop 2310E (or in DDE MAP 171F [...]
Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Verify HCPCS code using the FISS DDE Inquiries HCPCS file (option 14) to determine the allowable revenue codes based upon the date of service.
Verify billing and, if appropriate, correct the claim using the [...]
Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Verify HCPCS code using the FISS Inquiries HCPCS file (option 14). Allowable revenue codes will be displayed based on DOS.
Use the claims correction option to report the appropriate HCPCS/CPT code and resubmit [...]
Verify HCPCS code using the FISS Inquiries HCPCS file (option 14). Allowable HCPCS codes will be displayed based on DOS.
Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Use the claims correction option to report the appropriate HCPCS/CPT code and resubmit the [...]
Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Report influenza virus, pneumococcal pneumonia virus, and COVID-19 vaccines (and administration) with your charges on the 77X claim for informational and data collection purposes only. Report revenue code 0771 [...]
Avoiding/Correcting This Error:
When submitting the NOA, all date fields must match. Since the NOA is the start of the admission period, the "From" date, "Through" date and "Admission" date should all be the same.
Avoiding/Correcting This Error
Verify that all information is keyed correctly according to the applicable entry in the SAMHSA Opioid Treatment Program directory and your Medicare Part A enrollment information. When corrections are completed, [...]