Drugs and Vaccines

Proper Billing for LEQVIO® HCPCS Code J1306

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Proper Billing for LEQVIO® HCPCS Code J1306

National Government Services has noticed improper billing of units and diagnosis used for HCPCS code J1306; LEQVIO® injection, inclisiran, 1 mg.

LEQVIO (inclisiran) injection is indicated as an adjunct to diet and maximally tolerated statin therapy for the treatment of adults with clinical ASCVD or HeFH who require additional lowering of LDL-C.

Limitations of Use: The effect of LEQVIO® on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has not been determined.

For Medicare patients, LEQVIO® may be covered under Medicare Part B when used for an FDA-approved indication and when medically reasonable and necessary.

Effective for dates of service on or after 7/1/2022 the permanent J-code, J1306 must be used.

LEQVIO® is packaged as 284 mg/1.5ml single dose prefilled syringe.

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Claim Completion Requirements

  • The number of units administered referenced as 284 units; if the full syringe was used
    • Note: Each mg is equal to one unit
  • Both a primary and secondary diagnosis are required

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Drug Wastage

Effective 1/1/2017, providers and suppliers are required to report the JW modifier as a way to identify, and be paid for, unused drugs and biologicals.

  • The JW modifier is applied to the amount of drug or biological that is discarded, and it’s billed on a separate line item; and
  • The discarded drug/biological must be documented in the patient’s medical record.

When billing for wastage, ensure the following is present on the claim:

  • A line with the amount administered of the HCPCS code
  • A separate line for the wasted amount of the HCPCS code with the JW modifier appended
    • For example: If 142 mg was administered and 142 mg was wasted it would be billed as the following:
      • HCPCS Line 1: J1306, 142 units
      • HCPCS Line 2: J1306/JW, 142 units

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Reviewed 3/26/2024