EDI Solutions Details

Changing Your EDI Password

EDI passwords have to be regularly changed or reset to maintain data security. You should note that passwords expire every 60 days and can be changed or reset prior to expiration. Follow these steps to change your EDI password.

  1. Access the Trading Partner Portal via Reset My EDI Password. The screen shown below will display.
  2. Type in your Username and current Password.
  • Username format: TPID@TPID
  • If your Submitter/Trading Partner ID contains letters, they all must be capitalized.
  1. Select Login.

    Trading Partner Portal sign in page.
  2. The following page will display. Select Update Profile located at the top right of the page.

    Update Profile
  3. The Update Profile page shown below will display.
  4. Type your current password in the Current Password field.
  5. Type the new password in the New Password field.
  6. Type the new password again, in the Confirm New Password field.
  7. Verify or enter your current email address in the Email field.
    • Security Questions must be answered in case you forget your password. If you’ve previously set up your security questions, you do not need to answer them when changing your password. If you would like to update your security answers, you may do so. Visit Setting Your Security Questions for assistance.
  8. Select Apply to accept the new password.

    Update Profile page.

Unsuccessful changes receive a message indicating what information is required. Please make the corrections and select Apply.

If the password change was successful, the following page will display. You will now use your new password to connect to the EDI Gateway. You can either Logout, or return to the Home page using the icons in the top right corner of the page.

Profile Updated

Reviewed 9/23/2024