How to Get Started
Making the change is easy.
- If you use a clearinghouse to submit claims, contact your clearinghouse to ask how to enroll for the electronic remittance service.
- If you currently have a claim submission software program, verify with your software vendor that you have the ability to retrieve the 835 Remittance Advice electronic transactions, and that you can automatically post electronic results. If you are able to retrieve but not post automatically, CMS offers the MREP software that allows you to read and print the 835 Electronic Remittance Advice file after downloading. For more information on the free MREP software, visit Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP)
- If you currently use the Medicare free billing software, PC-ACE, you can take advantage of this product’s functionality to also convert ERA file to view or print images. There is no need for additional software. For more information, click on View and Print ERA in PC-ACE.
For more information on our free software, as well as Standard Companion Guides, refer to the corresponding links to the left.
Once the enrollment for the 835 ERA is complete, the provider will receive both the ERA file and the SPR via mail for 45 days. The mail delivery will be discontinued after the 45 day period.
- In addition to the ERA, you will have the ability to access your remittances from our provider portal, NGSConnex. When you enroll for the 835 ERA, there is a choice to enroll for NGSConnex as the preferred method to receive remittances. In order to access NGSConnex, you will need to request enroll to access to the portal. If you choose the NGSConnex option, the SPR will be disabled after 45 days of dual receipt.
For additional resources see Related Content.