EDI Solutions Details

Benefits of Electronic Attachments

The X12 275 Attachment transaction supports sending additional documentation electronically. Clinical documentation includes but not limited to; operative notes, consult notes, procedure notes, care plan, and history and physical information. The transaction allows for the documentation to be sent as structured or unstructured data.

The 275 transaction can be sent unsolicited based on defined claim criteria and is sent at the same time the corresponding claim is submitted.

The unsolicited model is available for JK/J6 Part B providers. The 275 transaction can also be solicited as a response to a request for additional documentation. The solicited model is available for JK/J6 Part A and Part B providers.

The benefits of the 275 electronic attachment include:

  • Standard transaction recommend to the Secretary of Health and Human Services to be named in the Attachment Regulation.
  • The 999 acknowledgement transaction generated for each 275 transaction received, provides an immediate receipt for the documentation.
  • Reduces administrative burden associated with the paper process.
  • Participating providers are reporting up to 50% reduction in Medical Review denials.
  • Participating providers are reporting up to a 50% reduction in claim status calls.

Participating providers are reporting being paid up to 30 days sooner.

Reviewed 9/23/2024