- Medicare Hospice Quick Reference Sheet
- Hospice Certifying Physician Medicare Enrollment Information
- Hospice Claim Reporting Requirements for Attending and Certifying Physicians
- 17729 and 17730 Hospice Claim Edits for Certifying Physicians
- Billing Hospice Transfers
- Hospice Notice of Election Termination/Revocation (Type of Bill 8xB)
- Hospice Room and Board Denials
- Professional Services During a Patient Hospice Election
- Incarcerated or Unlawfully Present in the U.S. Claim Rejections (U538H, U538Q)
- Termination of the Hospice Benefit Component of the VBID Model on 12/31/2024
- Provisional Period of Enhanced Oversight for New Hospices
- Counting 60-Day Election Periods
- Untimely Filed Notice of Election Circumstance Exception: Medicare Beneficiary Is Granted Retroactive Medicare Entitlement
- Hospice Billing Codes Chart
- Appropriate Use of Occurrence Code 27 and Occurrence Span Code 77
- Hospice Notice of Change of Ownership
- Filing an Electronic Notice of Change of Ownership (TOB 8XE)
- Hospice Change of Ownership
- Filing an Electronic Notice of Cancelation (Type of Bill 8XD)
- Filing an Electronic Notice of Transfer (Type of Bill 8XC)
- Counting 60-Day Election Periods - Leap Year
- Hospice Site of Service Codes
- Billing Hospice Physician, Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Services (Related To Terminal Diagnosis)
- Hospice Visit Reporting
- The Medicare Hospice Benefit: Effects on Other Provider Types
- Counting 90-Day Election Periods - Leap Year
- Reporting Hospice Discharges, Revocations and Transfers
- Avoiding Reason Code 7C625: Appropriate Use of Remarks on Final Hospice Claims
- Hospice Claim Submission Job Aid
- Counting 90-Day Election Periods
- Hospice Quality Reporting Program
- Filing an Electronic Notice of Election (Type of Bill 8XA)
- Value-Based Insurance Design Model Hospice Benefit Component Overview
- Documentation for Hospice Transfers
- Hospice Billing Instructions for Influenza, Pneumococcal and Hepatitis B Vaccines
- Canceling a Hospice Notice of Election
- How to Bill When the Hospice Face-to-Face is Late from a Previous Benefit Period
- Billing Medicare for a Denial - Condition Code 21
- Reminder on Deleting Revenue Code Line(s) in the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System Direct Data Entry System
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