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Rural Tobacco Disparity

Tobacco use and exposure to SHS are major causes of preventable disease, disability and mortality in the United States and are responsible for approximately 480,000 deaths annually; another 16 million people are living with a tobacco-related serious illness.

Among the adverse health effects from tobacco use is an increased risk of dying from heart and respiratory diseases. Heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are highest in rural counties. Rural areas have higher smoking rates than urban areas, most likely resulting from the demographic and psychosocial factors that are typically associated with rural areas, such as lower income and education levels and higher unemployment.

Health care providers can significantly help promote health equity and reduce disparities by asking every patient about tobacco use at every visit and by providing tobacco use counseling. Brief advice to quit from a physician improves cessation rates and is highly cost-effective.

Tobacco use counseling is a covered service under Medicare! Visit the NGS Tobacco Cessation web page today to lean more.

Join us for our webinar series on Medicare’s preventive service - Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use. Visit our NGS Events Page for upcoming educational opportunities.

Revised 12/3/2024