NGSConnex Details

Annual Recertification of NGSConnex User Access is Required!

The LSO for a provider organization is responsible for managing and monitoring access for other NGSConnex users within their organization. One of those responsibilities is to review all standard account users within their organization each year; every 365 days to ensure that each standard user has the appropriate access. 

What Does This Mean To You, the LSO and the Standard User?

If you are the LSO for a provider organization and you have not recertified access for standard users within the last 365 days and you select the Manage Account tab in NGSConnex and then select User Management, the Connex LSO Security Awareness Training will display. You will be required to review the training, scroll down the page and select the checkboxes and attest before being able to approve, decline or update access for a standard user.

IMPORTANT: The standard user will not be able to perform any transactions in NGSConnex until you have completed recertification for all of your users. 

Step 1:

The NGSConnex homepage with a yellow arrow pointing to the Manage Account tab.

Step 2:

A computer screen with a blue background with a yellow arrow pointing to the User Management tab.

Step 3:

The LSO Annual Security Awareness Training in Connex. A yellow arrow pointing to the scroll bar and a yellow arrow pointing to the checkboxes and I agree button.

If you are a standard user and at least one of your LSOs has not recertified your access within the last 365 days and you log into NGSConnex, select any functionality and then select your provider account, the system will display the following error message; The LSO for the provider organization must recertify NGSConnex access annually. The LSO can recertify access by logging into NGSConnex, selecting Manage Account and User Management.  You will not be able to move forward and use NGSConnex until one of your LSO’s completes their recertification.

A red and blue sign with white text indicating that the LSO must recertify Connex access annually.

Who Is My LSO?

If you receive this message, you must contact your LSO for assistance, the provider contact center will not be able to assist you with resolving this issue. If you do not know who your LSO is, you can obtain the information in NGSConnex by selecting the Manage Account tab and then selecting the User Profile tab. You will then need to scroll down to the System Access section and select the provider account for the LSO you need to know. 

Connex System Access with a yellow arrow pointing to the checkbox and My LSO.

LSO Responsibilities

We highly recommend that LSO’s recertify users access more often than the minimum requirement of yearly. As a reminder, LSOs are responsible for the following:

  • LSOs must immediately remove access from users’ whey they leave the organization or no longer have a need to know the information within NGSConnex
  • LSOs should also review and edit system access to ensure that the users have the minimum necessary access to information within NGSConnex

You can recertify users access at any time by selecting the ‘Manage Account’ tab in NGSConnex and then selecting User Management. You will see the Recertify All Users Access button, along with the Last User Recert Date. All you need to do to recertify the standard users is review their access to make sure they have the appropriate access, and if so, select the Recertify All Users Access button. 

User Management in Connex with a yellow arrow pointing to the Recertify All Users Access button.

Posted 12/12/2024