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The New York Regional Office of CMS – Monthly Office Hours/Open Forum

The New York Regional Office of CMS (Region 2) conducts a monthly Office Hours/Open Forum meeting that allows physicians and their office staff to interact with and ask questions of the CMS staff as well as representatives of National Government Services the MAC.

The purpose of these sessions is to provide brief updates on Medicare topics of current interest to physicians, and to allow doctors and their staff an opportunity to communicate directly with CMS New York and NGS.

Please consider joining these sessions as they offer a unique opportunity to converse directly with CMS Region 2 staff. The meetings are conducted on the second Tuesday of the month from 12:00–1:00 p.m. ET.

Our Next Meeting is Tuesday, 12/12/2023, 12:00–1:00 p.m. ET

The meeting does not require registration.

Please feel free to share this invitation.

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Meeting ID: 160 100 9631
Password: 328293
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Meeting ID: 160 100 9631
Password: 328293
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Password: 328293

Posted 12/4/2023