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Attention Electronic Billers

National Government Services has experienced issues with electronic files downloaded by some of our trading partners (those who receive electronic files directly from NGS). This was not a widespread issue and only affected a limited number of trading partners.

If you are experiencing any issues with the files you have downloaded from NGS during the time period of 3/18/2024 through 3/25/2024, please complete and submit the EDI E-MAIL INQUIRY FORM and we will restage the files.

When completing the inquiry form, please provide your trading partner ID, NPI/PTAN, and in the Detailed Description provide the specific name of the file with the issues.

Due to high call volumes and to avoid long hold times, we recommend using the online inquiry tool and do not call the Provider Contact Center.

Please provide your trading partner ID and the specific name of the file with the issues.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Posted 3/25/2024