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You Asked, We Listened – Enhanced Website Search

We often hear from our customers that our website search function returns too many results when searching for a specific topic.

We’re happy to share, we’ve enhanced our search function to help narrow down results that return when you enter multiple words into the search box. Now when you enter multiple words in the search box, the search will only return results that contain all of those words, minimizing the results to help you locate the item you need. For example, if you type ambulance fee schedule into the search box:

  • Prior to this enhancement, the search returned any page that contained at least one of the words, ambulance, fee or schedule.
  • Now the search returns only pages containing all three words: ambulance, fee and schedule.

If you use quotation marks around the term ambulance fee schedule, the search will return only pages that contain those words together as a phrase; ambulance fee schedule.

We’re always looking for and appreciate feedback from our providers. Your ideas and recommendations help drive improvements to our website.

Posted 4/5/2024