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Letter of Authorization for EDI

We’ve extended our Letter of Authorization PIN expiration period based on user feedback. Letter of Authorization PINs are now valid for 30 days and there is no limit on the number of times a PIN can be used. This will be effective on 4/11/2024 after 5 p.m. ET.

When the Letter of Authorization is submitted by the provider, it will be routed to the EDI Enrollment Department to be reviewed. If no clerical errors are found, the Letter of Authorization will be processed and a PIN will be sent to the provider via email. The provider will be responsible for providing the PIN to the billing service. If clerical errors are found, the Letter of Authorization will be rejected and returned to the provider. A new packet with corrected information will need to be submitted.

Previously, once a Letter of Authorization PIN was used to submit the Part A Logon Request Form, it couldn’t be used again. With this update, once the PIN is given to the billing service, it can be used for an infinite number of times within a 30-day period to submit Part A Logon Request Forms. On the 31st day, the PIN will expire, and a new Letter of Authorization will need to be submitted by the provider.

The Billing Service Name entered into the Letter of Authorization must match what’s listed on the Part A Logon Request Form. If the Billing Service Name doesn’t match, the Part A Logon Request Form will not be submitted.

If the PIN is not used to complete a Part A Logon Request Form within 30 days, it will become void, and a new Letter of Authorization will need to be completed by the provider/facility.

Posted 4/10/2024