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Due to the complex nature of the psychiatric service reduction, use this calculator in your day-to-day business operations to help determine the correct financial liability for both Medicare and the patient.

For the best results, please have the following information available prior to using the calculator:

  • The Clinical Psychologist/Clinical Social Worker allowed amount for the service in question.
  • If you are a clinical social worker (CSW), the allowed amount for your services is 25% less than the Clinical Psychologist allowed amount. Ensure you are using the correct allowed amount for your services.
  • Any remaining patient deductible amount information. Reminder: You can determine the patient deductible amount by using the interactive voice response (IVR) system, or our Web-based claims inquiry tool, Connex.
Usage Tips:
  • For best results, enter all dollar values using the decimal point and make sure you input the accurate dollars and cents value associated with the Medicare physician fee schedule (MPFS) procedure code.
  • Have the accurate patient deductible amount available prior to using this calculator.