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Reason Code: 56900

Error Description:

This claim is denied for payment because the provider failed to submit documentation requested by the MAC via an ADR within 45 days of the ADR date. Medical Review requests documentation for various reasons by sending the provider a request for additional documentation, also known as an ADR. Each ADR has a date in the left-hand corner. If we do not receive the requested information within 45 days of that date, the claim is denied.

Avoiding/Correcting This Error

Regularly access claims in status locations SB6001, SB6098, or SB6099 to obtain a listing of claims for which records have not yet been received by the MAC (Medical Review Department). Look for information on the Overview of EDI Products and Services page of our website to sign up to receive ADRs electronically.

Additional Information

This reason code can be prevented. When providers receive an ADR, the provider should respond according to the date listed in the ADR. Providers should start gathering the documentation being requested immediately. This will ensure that there is adequate time to gather all of the supporting documentation that is being requested so that the timeframe for submitting the information can be met. Please note that, depending on what is being requested, providers may have to go outside of their facilities to get the supporting documentation and this may require time to be received from that entity.