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Flu and Pneumonia Shots: Extra Push This Fall and Spring

National Government Services supports the CMS and NIAM recent announcements to make strong recommendations for Medicare patients to get their flu/pneumonia shots and refer Medicare patients to other vaccine providers, if necessary. Here are some key messages and resources to help our Medicare beneficiaries get flu and pneumonia shots that can be shared with others in your facilities, groups and clinics. More flu and pneumonia information will be forthcoming over the next several months.  

Key Messages

  • Ensure Medicare patients remain current with flu, pneumonia and other vaccinations. During the public health emergency, this is especially important for those with chronic diseases.
  • Make sure a high-dose flu vaccine is given to people 65 and older.
  • Remind Medicare patients that they may be eligible for the pneumonia booster.
  • A flu and/or pneumonia shot can be given at the doctor’s office, local health department, local retail pharmacy or clinic with or without an appointment; drive-thru might be an option; please check local listings.

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Posted 8/27/2020