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Reason Code: N5052

Error Description:

The spelling of the beneficiary’s name or the beneficiary’s MBI on the claim differs from the information in the beneficiary’s master file.

Avoiding/Correcting This Error

The beneficiary’s name listed on the claim has to be an exact match to what is posted on CWF. Be sure that any special characters (including apostrophes, dashes, commas) and suffixes (Jr., Sr., III) that are included on the Medicare file are also reflected on the claim.

A beneficiary’s MBI may be updated if coverage changes. Be sure to include the updated MBI on the claim.

Use CWF or NGSConnex to verify the spelling of the beneficiary's name and/or identify a logically deleted MBI.

Correct claim to update beneficiary's name and/MBI and resubmit the RTP claim. was issued for Medicare contractors to return claims to provider when the name and MBI on the claim does not match what is on CWF.  

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