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Using the IVR

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MBI Phonetic Alphabet Now Available

To assist you when speaking the MBI, we have implemented the MBI phonetic alphabet. In order for the IVR to recognize the alpha characters within the MBI, users need to use this phonetic alphabet. Therefore, when speaking the MBI, please use either the military word or the common word for the corresponding letter in the MBI. For example, if the MBI is 1EG4-TE5-MK73, you will speak the following in the IVR, “1 Echo Golf 4 Tango Echo 5 Mike Kilo 7 3.”

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  • Do not say things like “A as in Apple.” If there is an A, just say “Apple” or “Alpha.”
  • You can use the military or the common words provided below. You can mix and match throughout speaking the MBI.
  • Do not use other words. Only use the words provided below.

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MBI Phonetic Alphabet

Letter Military Common
A Alpha Apple
B Bravo Boy
C Charlie Cat
D Delta Dog
E Echo Edward
F Foxtrot Frank
G Golf George
H Hotel Harry
I India Idea
J Juliette John
K Kilo King
L Lima Love
M Mike Mary
N November Nancy
O Oscar Orange
P Papa Peter
Q Quebec Queen
R Romeo Robert
S Sierra Sam
T Tango Tom
U Uniform Uncle
V Victor Vice
W Whiskey William
X Xray X-ray
Y Yankee Yellow
Z Zulu Zebra

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IVR Conversion Tool

The IVR Conversion Tool will help you to convert the MBI (as well as the beneficiary name, PTAN and claim numbers) into a numeric format for easy input into our IVR system.

Reviewed 4/29/2024