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Helpful Resources

CERT Denial Finder
CERT Task Force
CMS CERT Compliance

Options for submitting medical records to CERT

Include barcode coversheet with all submissions.

Option to submit Electronic using esMD:

More information on esMD can be found, be sure to route medical records to the CERT Contractor at:


Option to Mail:
CERT Documentation Center
Attn: CID
8701 Park Central Drive, Suite 400-A
Richmond, VA 23227

Providers mailing documentation via CD should send the password; use the CID number in the subject line of your email (no PHI).

Option to email:
Email documentation in an encrypted emailed to CERT Password should be submitted in separate email, use the CID number in the subject line of your emails (no PHI).

Questions about medical record submissions

CERT Customer Service:
Toll Free: 888-779-7477

Questions about CERT reviews
NGS Provider Contact Center

Select “Contact Us” for phone number per state and jurisdiction