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Cognitive Assessment and Care Plan Services (CPT 99483)

Medicare covers a separate visit for a cognitive assessment if your patient shows signs of cognitive impairment at their annual wellness visit or a routine visit. The cognitive assessment allows you to thoroughly evaluate cognitive function and develop care planning, as needed.

Important Factors

  • The Cognitive Assessment and Care Plan Services (CPT code 99483) typically start with a 50-minute face-to-face visit that includes a detailed history and patient exam, resulting in a written care plan.
  • Any clinician that is eligible to report E/M services can offer this service.
    • Including physicians (MD and DO), nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists and physician assistants
  • Effective 1/1/2021, Medicare increased payment for these services to $282 (may be geographically adjusted) when provided in an office setting, added these services to the definition of primary care services in the Medicare Shared Savings Program and permanently covers these services via telehealth.

Please visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Cognitive Assessment & Care Plan Services web page for education on the coverage and billing requirements.

Posted 5/14/2021