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Use NGSConnex to Submit Quarterly Credit Balance Reports

We recently posted a news article that explained the process and benefits of using NGSConnex to submit quarterly credit balance reports. Today’s article contains the resolutions for common reasons submitters have told us they aren’t using NGSConnex. Please review this list, register now and give NGSConnex a try for your next quarterly credit balance submission.    

What's stopping you from using NGSConnex to submit credit balance reports?Response/Resolution
I don't want to download software or pay for anything when DDE and faxing are free.NGSConnex is a free and secure internet-based portal. You won't need to download software to use it. All you need is a supported internet browser.
I heard there’s a limit to the number of users for each provider and I don’t want to take up a spot when I only submit a report once a quarter.There isn’t a limit to the number of users that can be assigned to a provider.
I don’t know if there is already an LSO for my provider. If there is, I have no idea who it is.That’s okay. You can register and select ‘No’ for “Will you be a LSO for your organization.”
  • If there is already an LSO, then we’ll send you a copy of the email we send to the LSO advising them that you’re requesting access.
  • If there isn’t an LSO, then you’ll see a message on your screen advising you of that with instructions to continue.
I tried using NGSConnex before, but I only used it to submit Credit Balance Reports. Every quarter when I try to log in, my account is suspended.CMS requires us to suspend your account if it has not been used within the last 30 days. We send emails to remind you to log in on the 25th and 29th day since your last login. Consider adding a recurring monthly task or event to your calendar to login. Preventing your account from getting suspended will allow you to continue to submitting your credit balance reports, saving you time and frustration.
I submit reports for more than one provider, NGSConnex only lets me select one.When you initially register for NGSConnex, you are only able to request access to one provider account. After you register, you can add access to multiple provider accounts following these instructions in the NGSConnex User Guide.
I don’t want to have to manually enter my CMS-838 details into NGSConnex.You don’t have to. Save your CMS-838 as a CSV file on your computer and NGSConnex allows you to upload that file following these instructions in the NGSConnex User Guide.
I don’t think I can use NGSConnex because I don’t have any credit balances to report this quarter.You can use NGSConnex to submit your response that you have no credit balances to report this quarter using these instructions NGSConnex User Guide.

For step-by-step instructions and a demonstration, watch this ten-minute YouTube video, NGSConnex:Credit Balance Reporting (Part A).

Posted 6/9/2021