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Important Update for Skilled Nursing Facilities - CMS Updated the SNF PDPM Web page

The SNF PPS PDPM was implemented on 10/1/2019 to replace the Resource Utilization Group, Version IV (RUG-IV) for the SNF PPS. SNF PDPM will improve the accuracy and appropriateness of payments by classifying patients into payment groups based on specific, data-driven patient characteristics, while simultaneously reducing administrative burden.

SNF providers are encouraged to bookmark the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) SNF PDPM web page and check for updates on a regular basis. 

Updates were made on 8/30/2019 to the following Fact Sheets and Resources, and the PDPM Grouper logic was updated on 9/6/2019. Be sure to take a look at the changes and their impacts:

In addition, the SNF PDPM webpage has resources to help you prepare for SNF PDPM implementation:

Revised 10/3/2019
Posted 9/11/2019