Home Health and Hospice December Educational Videos are Now Available On-Demand
The National Government Services Home Health and Hospice Provider Outreach & Education team “On-Demand Video Library” offers providers the ability to watch or listen to pre-recorded live educational webinars for free! They are updated every month and include all HH+H educational material presented live via webinar to providers the previous month. Our new “on-demand” forum offers all Jurisdiction 6 and Jurisdiction K providers the ability to replay an educational session at their leisure 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Remember, recordings are only available for 30 days when they will be removed from the HH+H On-Demand Video Library and replaced with new educational videos. To take advantage of this free educational service, access the library on YouTube to watch or listen to one or all six of the sessions recorded live in November.
Posted 1/11/2022