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Use National Government Services Self-Service Tools to Maximize your Workload

Our PCC telephone lines are busiest at the beginning and end of each month, and this creates long wait times for providers trying to resolve claim payments, denials, etc. You can avoid experiencing prolonged hold times by using our self-service tools and resources.


  • Provides all the same claim and eligibility information you ask a customer service representative for but there is no wait time
  • No limit to the number of inquiries; as you are on each call to our PCC

Signing up for NGSConnex, and accessing it daily, will help you track, maintain, and update Medicare claims, payments and appeals.

Interactive Voice Response System

  • IVR system contact number and tools (under Contact Us > IVR) – Our IVR system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use it to determine the status of your appeals and claims, find information on checks, offsets, provider enrollment and more.

As a reminder, if you contact the PCC for information that is available in NGSConnex or the IVR, the PCC is required to direct you to these self-service tools to obtain the information. Here is an article about this requirement: When to Use the Provider Contact Center Versus Self-Service Tools.

Provided below is a quick glance at some of the most common inquires obtainable in NGSConnex and the IVR; available for use by all NGS Part B enrolled providers:


  • Available in NGSConnex
  • Verify your patient’s Medicare entitlement eligibility
    • Medicare Part B effective dates, MA plan enrollment, Hospice, Home Health, MSP, preventive services eligibility, deductibles, etc.

Claim Status

  • Available in NGSConnex and on the IVR
    • Determine status of all claims accepted into the Medicare claims processing system
    • This can include paid, denied, and pending claims

Appeals/Appeal Status

  • Available in NGSConnex and on the IVR
  • Initiate an appeal or reopening, and determine the status of your appeals via NGSConnex
    • Check status via the IVR
  • Use the Appeals calculator on our website to determine timely filing dates for appeals
  • Appeals forms (find all appeal-related forms)

There is also a variety of help tools, billing guidelines, and electronic media requests on the NGS website.

Production Alerts

  • Available on the NGS website
  • Production Alerts (under Resources) – Review alerts about our system or other incidents that may be causing issues with claim submission and/or processing

Tools and Calculators

Stay up to date on all things Medicare by signing up for our Email Updates and following us on LinkedIn.

In addition to using our website, you can use the CMS website to find the information you need!

Revised 11/8/2024