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Reason Code: 39929

Error Description:

Each line of charges on this claim has been rejected and/or rejected and denied.

Avoiding/Correcting This Error

Verify the line level rejection information to determine the rejection for each of the lines of the claim in question. Resubmit as appropriate. Line level reason code(s) appear on the right view of claim page two (MAP171D). In order to access the right view, review the reason codes, and return to the claim, follow these steps:

  1. From Claim Page 02, press <F11>/<PF11> twice; the line level reason code will be shown in the Denial Reason field or the Line Item Reason Codes field
  2. Press <F1>/<PF1> to access the reason code file
  3. Key the line item reason code over the claim level reason code and press <Enter> to view the line item reason code narrative
  4. After reviewing the reason code narrative, press <F3>/<PF3> to return to the claim

Press<F10>/<PF10> twice to go back to the left view of claim page two or press <F8>/<PF8> to go to claim page three.

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