What to Expect After Registering
Once you have registered with NGSConnex, you will need to request access for the screens in NGSConnex. To do this, you will need to log into NGSConnex with your User name and password you selected during the registration process. Refer to the NGSConnex User Guide for complete steps on requesting access.
LSOs approve or deny access for all users within the organization and can reset passwords for users if needed. Follow the step-by-step instructions within the NGSConnex User Guide to obtain the LSO access.
Users have access to the different functions within NGSConnex as approved by their LSO. The LSO for your organization will receive an email to inform them you have requested access, you will receive a copy of the email sent to them. Once the LSO has reviewed and approved your User access you will be able to view information and perform transactions within NGSConnex.