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Billing and Coding Article Updates for January 2023

Billing and Coding: Bevacizumab and biosimilars (A52370)

The reference for Bevacizumab-adcd (Vegzelma®) listed under the Ophthalmologic Guidelines section of the article has been removed. The reference for Bevacizumab-adcd (Vegzelma®) has also been removed from the Group 2 ICD-10 code Paragraph section. This drug is only approved for non-ophthalmologic indications.

Billing and Coding: Botulinum Toxins (A52848)

Based on comment received, ICD-10 codes G43.001, G43.009, G43.101 and G43.109 have been added to the Group 11 ICD-10 code list effective for dates of service on or after 1/5/2023.

Posted 1/25/2023