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How to View and Print ADRs from FISS/DDE

Steps to View and Print ADRs from FISS/DDE Provider Online System

  1. Access the claims through the Claims Inquiry screen/option. 
  2. Type 01 at the FISS/DDE Online System Main Menu and then type 12 on the Inquiry Menu for claims.
  3. At the Claims Inquiry screen, type SB6001 in the S/LOC field and press <Enter> – all claims in the SB6001 status and location will be displayed (SB6001 status indicates that an ADR has been generated for a claim.
  4. At the desired claim, type S to the left of the claim under the SEL field and press <Enter>.
  5. The ADR letter follows claim page 06 of the claim.
  6. The online ADR letter consists of two pages; to view the second page, press the <P8>/<PF8> key to move forward to the next page.
  7. Please be sure to not press the <P9>/<PF9> key while viewing a claim in the SB6001 status—this will cause the claim to recycle and generate a second ADR letter.

Note: If using the ADR printed from the FISS/DDE Provider Online System, the copies of requested records are due to NGS 45 days from the date the claim went to S/LOC SB6001 in FISS/DDE. Documentation not received by day 45 will be denied by the system.

The following screenshots illustrate the FISS/DDE MAIN MENU followed by step-by-step instructions for viewing the ADR in FISS.

  1. Access the claims through the Claims Inquiry screen/option. Enter 01 and press <Enter>.

    Screenshot of Claims Inquiry Screen
  2. Type 12 at the on the Inquiry Menu for claims and press <Enter>.

    Screenshot of Inquiry Menu
  3. At the Claims Inquiry screen, type SB6001 in the S/LOC field and press <Enter> – all claims in the SB6001 status and location will be displayed (SB6001 status indicates that an ADR has been generated for a claim).

    Screenshot of Claim Summary Inquiry
  4. At the desired claim, type S to the left of the claim under the SEL field and press <Enter>.

    Screenshot of Claim Summary Inquiry (type S to select claim)
  5. The ADR letter follows claim page 06 of the claim.

    Screenshot of the ADR letter
  6. The online ADR letter consists of two pages; to view the second page, press the <P8>/<PF8> key to move forward to the next page.

    Screenshot of page two of the ADR letter


Please be sure to not press the <P9>/<PF9> key while viewing a claim in the SB6001 status – this will cause the claim to recycle and generate a second ADR letter.