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EDI Enrollment Spotlights Top Rejections

Part A, Part B and DDE

Periodically, EDI ​​​​enrollment will publish articles to help eliminate the number of EDI applications that are denied. 

This month we are spotlighting the denial for ‘Signature is Incorrect.’

All EDI documents require the electronic signature of the AO/DO for the provider/facility. The Authorized or Delegated Official is listed in the 855 application or PECOS" in Sections 5/6: Ownership Interests and Managing Control Associations Summary.

Billing services, clearinghouses, or any third party entity associated with the provider are not authorized to sign the EDI documents in place of or for the provider/facility. These type of signatures will not be accepted.

To view the Authorized or Delegated Official the provider/facility may access PECOS or the approved 855 application.

Any EDI Documents that are rejected for this reason will require a new submission with the correct signature.

Posted 3/31/2023