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Get PECOS Access to Maintain Medicare Provider Enrollment Records

Do you need to work on behalf of an individual provider and/or entity to update or submit Medicare enrollment information electronically through PECOS?

There are certain authorized personnel permitted to submit an application on behalf of an individual provider (NPI Type 1) and/or an entity (NPI Type 2) in the PECOS system. The importance of security access connections will allow approved personnel access and reduce fraud.

An individual provider should either submit their own application or grant access through the I&A Management System to allow others to work on their behalf. Remember, depending on the type of application submitted, CMS applications can only be signed and dated by the individual provider or the authorized/delegated official identified on the entity’s Medicare enrollment in PECOS.

How to Gain Access to Enrollment Information in PECOS

Each person must set up an account in the Identity & Access Management System. This system allows you to create one account to access I&A, NPPES and PECOS.

The role of Authorized Official or Access Manager can perform the following functions in the I&A system:

  • Manage Staff: The ability to add staff, modify roles and provide access for existing staff associated with your employer.
  • Manage Connections: The ability to create, approve, reject, and disable connections between your employer and other entities (both Provider and Non-Provider organizations).

Once the account is set up, access may be granted to the following systems:

National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)

Houses the NPI record(s)

  • Type 1 NPI: Individual provider
  • Type 2 NPI: Entity, group, corporation supplier

Provider Enrollment Chain and Ownership System (PECOS)

Houses the Medicare enrollment records currently on file for the individual provider or entity.

Gaining access to PECOS will allow the approved personnel to manage Medicare enrollment records for individual providers and entities for initial enrollment, revalidation or updates.

For more information, attend our “Getting Access to PECOS” webinar. You can register under the Events tab on our website.

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Revised 4/9/2024