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Tobacco Counseling via Telehealth

Health equity in telehealth is the opportunity for everyone to receive the health care they need and deserve, regardless of social or economic status.

Telehealth helps improve access to healthcare for various populations, including communities with a shortage of providers and patients with limited time or mobility.

Did you know...

  • Telehealth has the potential to expand access, reduce costs and improve the quality of care.
  • Telehealth can be used to improve access to tobacco cessation services.
  • Telehealth offers a mechanism to provide better follow up and support for ongoing monitoring and adherence to tobacco cessation.
  • Tobacco counseling services can be billed on the same day as an E/M service via telehealth.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services expanded the list of services that can be provided by telehealth. Tobacco counseling services will continue to be covered under Medicare through 12/31/2024.

  • Some types of telehealth services no longer require both audio and video, including tobacco counseling services— visits can be conducted over the telephone.
  • For details, see CMS’ List of Telehealth Services covered by Medicare.

Tobacco use counseling is a covered service under Medicare! Visit our Tobacco Cessation web page today to learn more and to access the Tobacco Cessation Telehealth Guide.

Revised 9/30/2024