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Take Advantage of Tobacco Counseling When Performing Medicare Wellness Visits

Medicare providers can optimize revenue and improve patient outcomes with Medicare's Annual Wellness Visits. These visits help identify gaps in healthcare, increase revenue, and prepare practices for value-based care.

The IPPE focuses on health promotion and disease prevention and detection. The purpose of the AWV is to review the patient’s wellness and develop a personalized prevention plan.

Both the IPPE and AWV provide an opportunity for physicians to improve the quality of care, assist in patient engagement and optimize payment opportunities.

Components of the IPPE and AWV include a review of the patients medical and social history. Data regarding tobacco use is gathered and a personalized plan is created that may include education, counseling, and referrals. This is a prime opportunity for providers to work with patients on a plan to quit!

Providers can take advantage of Medicare’s preventative service “Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use” on the same day as the IPPE and AWV.

Medicare Part B covers eight tobacco counseling sessions per year for outpatient and hospitalized patients. If performed by a qualified physician or other Medicare-recognized practitioner, this service can be billed on the same day as the IPPE and AWV.

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Revised 10/10/2024