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Ensure Referral Forms Include the MBI

Providers have expressed concern regarding referral forms that do not include the new Medicare number, the MBI, they receive from providers who have referred a Medicare beneficiary to them for services. Some providers do not see the patient in person to obtain their Medicare entitlement information and they rely on referral forms to obtain all the information they need to create a medical record and prepare claims for Medicare patients.

Effective 1/1/2020, the MBI is the only form of identification that can be used for claim submission and entitlement verification; therefore, we are asking all providers to update their referral forms to include the MBI to facilitate proper entitlement verification and claim submission for providers you refer your patients to.

If you are a provider who receives referrals forms and the referring provider has included the patient’s first and last name, date of birth and SSN, you may use the NGSConnex MBI Lookup Tool to obtain the patient’s new Medicare number.

Posted 12/16/2019