Self-Service Pulse: What You Need To Know This Week
As your MAC, National Government Services wants to provide you with a comprehensive source containing the most current information available for our self-service tools.
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NGSConnex Release August 2024
There are two updates in NGSConnex for August 2024. The first update impacts Medicare Part B providers accessing their remittances, and the second update is related to Part A providers when they are initiating a PA request.
First, NGSConnex users can access their remittance advice once a claim is released from the payment floor standard. Prior to the claim payment being released, the check number is zeros (000000000), and there is no remittance to view. Though a remittance is not available, there is an active hyperlink for providers to access their remittance and when they click on that hyperlink, nothing shows. To prevent providers from attempting to access a remittance that does not exist, NGSConnex will display a “Not Available” icon. The icon is removed when a check number is applied to that claim/financial.
The second update impacts the Procedure Type drop-down list for Part A PA requests. Prior to this update, users were able to select a CPT code from the drop down, followed by an LT or RT that identifies the procedure is being performed on either the left or right side. However, they did not have an option when the procedure was being performed bilaterally. NGSConnex will now show the CPT code followed by BIL when the procedure is being submitted on a PA as being performed bilaterally. This change applies to blepharoplasty/eyelid/brow repair, facet joint Intervention and vein ablation.
MU Has a New Look!
Dear Medicare University Learners,
We wanted to remind you that we have exciting changes and new features in Medicare University now! We are working hard to bring you valuable information to benefit you and your practice.
Logging in for the First Time
Medicare University has moved to a new platform. If you have logged into Medicare University in the past two years, you should have received an email to log into the new platform and create a password. This email went out to the email address on file for your Medicare University account.
If you did not get an email, please go to this link to create an account in the new Medicare University platform: View our Medicare University web page for informative YouTube videos.
Thank you for being a part of Medicare University!
Credit Balance Report Status Feature Available in the IVR System
This feature will allow you to call the IVR for credit balance report receipt status when you submit a credit balance report via mail or fax. Note that NGSConnex submissions are not included in this IVR feature as you can confirm receipt for NGSConnex submissions directly in the portal.
Here’s How It Works
When you call the IVR, simply say “More Options” (or press 9) from the Main Menu. Then say “Credit Balance Report” (or press 2). Once you authenticate your NPI, PTAN and TIN the IVR will provide you with the most recent credit balance report receipt status.
The IVR will look for the most recently received credit balance report. If the IVR plays back the credit balance receipt date for an older submission (e.g., April submission) and you are calling to check on the credit balance report submission for the current quarter (e.g., July submission), confirm if it has been a full ten days since your submission. If it has been more than 10 days, resubmit the credit balance report. If it has been less than ten days, wait the full ten days and then call back to check the status again.
Note: If there are any issues with the received credit balance report, the submitter will be contacted directly by our Overpayment Recovery Unit. The Provider Contact Center will not be able to provide any additional information.
For additional information on the credit balance report, please select Overpayment on the our website.
Refer to the IVR User Guide for all features available in the IVR:
Exciting Changes Coming to NGS Medicare University! Get Ready for a Refreshed Learning Experience
Watch this video to learn about the exciting changes coming to NGS Medicare University!
Posted 8/19/2024