Verify NPI

Description of NPI and a Link to NPPES Registry  

As mandated by HIPAA, you should maintain (verify and update) your NPI data via NPPES on a regular basis.

The NPI:

  • is a ten-digit number and must be submitted on the enrollment form,
  • will remain with an individual provider regardless of job and location changes and
  • is submitted to the contractor for payment.

There are two types of NPIs:

  • Type 1 NPIs—assigned to individual physicians or nonphysician practitioners as well as sole proprietors
  • Type 2 NPIs—assigned to organizations, including physician and nonphysician groups, hospitals, nursing homes, corporations and a corporation formed when an individual incorporates as a sole owner

If you need to verify or make updates to your NPI, visit NPPES website.

If you need help logging into NPPES, contact NPI Enumerator at 800-465-3203 (TTY 800-692-2326).

Important Note: It is vital that any time you are asked to supply your LBN or legal name, you indicate the name exactly as it appears at the IRS or the SSA office, for groups this includes any suffix like PC, PA, LLC, PLLC, Inc., etc.

Related Content

Revised 8/2/2024

Helpful Resources

Check Provider Enrollment Application Status
Log Into PECOS
Pay Application Fee

J6 Mailing Address:

National Government Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 6475
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6475

Interactive Voice Response:


Contact Enrollment:


Hours Available:

8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. CT

Form(s) you'll need:

Enrollment Forms

Helpful Resources

Check Provider Enrollment Application Status
Log Into PECOS
Pay Application Fee

JK Mailing Address:

National Government Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 7149
Indianapolis, IN 46207-7149

Interactive Voice Response:


Contact Enrollment:


Hours Available:

8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. ET

Form(s) you'll need:

Enrollment Forms