FISS DDE Provider Online Guide

  Chapter III: Navigating the Online System

Screen Movements


To move within the FISS/DDE Provider Online System, providers will perform several different screen movements.

The following chart outlines the various screen movements providers will perform when working in the FISS/DDE Provider Online System.

Type of Screen Movement Description
Roll-In/Roll-Out/Sliding The key to performing this function is the SC field, which is located in the upper left corner of most screens. SC means screen control and allows the user to access another area, i.e., file, within the online system to research data, and then return to the origination point.

Example: The provider is working in claims correction (submenu 03) and is trying to correct an error involving a HCPCS code. The provider can roll out of the claim and into the HCPCS file by moving their cursor to the SC field in the upper left corner. By typing in the number of the HCPC file (option 14), the provider will automatically move into the HCPC file. After performing the necessary research, the provider can return to their claim by pressing the <F3>/<PF3> key.
Paging When all of the data for a particular file cannot fit onto one screen, the multiple screens required for that file are referred to as pages. Paging allows the user to move backward or forward, in page increments, among the multiple pages of a screen. Another way to move from page to page within a claim is to type in the page number in the PAGE field located in the upper left side of the screen. Press the <Enter> key and you will automatically move to the desired page.
Scrolling The scrolling function is the mechanism by which a user is able to move up or down within any given page.
Help The help function provides the user with assistance in error resolution by displaying the reason code information on error reasons. There are two ways to access the explanation of a reason code on a claim/file screen:
  1. Press the <F1>/<PF1> key while the cursor is anywhere on the screen to receive an explanation of the first reason code appearing on that screen.
  2. Place the cursor under the desired reason code and press the <F1/PF1> key to receive an explanation of that particular reason code. This is necessary when more that one reason code has been assigned to a claim.

Revised 5/16/2017