Home Health Billing

Reporting Site of Service Codes for Home Health Care

HH PPS claim payments are based on the site of the beneficiary’s care.

In order for Medicare to accurately capture where home health services are provided, HHAs are required to report the location of services on the period of care claim.

Provider Action Steps

HHAs should report one of the following three HCPCS site of service codes on every period of care claim: Q5001, Q5002 or Q5009.

The site of service Q-code needs to be reported with the first billable service on the home health claim. The revenue line with the Q-code should use the same revenue code and date of service as the first billable service, one unit, and a nominal charge (e.g., a penny). If the location where services were provided changes during the episode, the new location should be reported with an additional line corresponding to the first visit provided in the new location.

The table below lists the definitions of the Q-codes HHAs are required to report:

HCPCS Code Definition
Q5001 Hospice or Home Health Care Provided in Patient's Home/Residence
Q5002 Hospice Or Home Health Care Provided In Assisted Living Facility
Q5009 Hospice Or Home Health Care Provided In Place Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)

Example: Home health preiod begins 7/15/20XX. The first billable service in the period is a nursing visit at the patient’s home/residence. The site of service code is billed as follows:

Revenue Code HCPCS Code Units Total Charge Service Date
0551 G0163 4 150.00 0715XX
0551 Q5001 1 .01 0715XX

Example with location change: Home health period begins 7/15/20XX. The first billable service in the period is a nursing visit in the patient’s home/residence. The patient moves to an assisted living facility and has a therapy visit on 8/7/20XX. The site of service code(s) are billed as follows:

Revenue Code HCPCS Code Units Total Charge Service Date
0551 G0163 4 150.00 0715XX
0551 Q5001 1 .01 0715XX
0421 G0157 3 125.00 0807XX
0421 Q5002 1 .01 0807XX

Notes on billing requirements:

  • HCPCS site of service codes Q5001, Q5002, or Q5009 must be reported on HH PPS claims containing revenue code: 042X, 043X, 044X, 055X, 056X, or 057X or the claim will be returned to the provider.
  • The line-item date of service of the line reporting Q5001, Q5002, or Q5009 must match the earliest dated HH visit line (revenue codes 042X, 043X, 044X, 055X, 056X, or 057X) on the claim or the claim will be returned to the provider.
  • When more than one line on an HH PPS claim reports Q5001, Q5002, or Q5009, then the same HCPCS code must not be reported on consecutive dates or the claim will be returned to the provider.
  • Claim lines reporting Q5001, Q5002, or Q5009 are not included in the visit counts passed to the HH Pricer, nor are they counted in medical policy parameters that count number of visits.

Revised 5/23/2024