
Attention Clearinghouses and Vendors!

National Government Services is ready to accept Medicare Part B dental claims from your dental providers using the 837D dental claim transaction.

Dental providers have the following options for submission of claims:

  • 837D
  • 837P

Testing is required for the new 837D transaction. In order to test, your dental  provider must be enrolled with NGS EDI for the 837D transaction and linked to your Clearinghouse and/or Vendor Trading Partner ID.  Claims can be submitted for testing as soon as the EDI enrollment is completed. Please refer to the Standard Companion Guide Health Care Claim: Dental (837D) for details on creating claim submissions. 837D submitters must submit a minimum of five claims for testing before being approved for production.

NGS will generate TRN, 999 and 277CA transactions to testing providers:

  • TRN: Text report file indicating Initial Validation of the inbound claims file.
  • 999: ANSI file indicating results of data integrity analysis of the claims file.
  • 277CA: ANSI X12 transaction indicating results of Medicare front end editing of the claims file.

Refer to 837D Edit Spreadsheet for details.

Please contact the EDI Help Desk at the following numbers for assistance:

  • Jurisdiction 6: 877-273-4334
  • Jurisdiction K: 888-379-9132

Posted 6/20/2024