Prior Authorization

Prior Authorization Exemption Process FAQ

  1. How many days notice will I receive before I switch from PAR submissions to an exemption cycle?

Answer: MACs will provide a 60-day notice prior to any transition period, continuation, or withdrawal from exemption.

  1. I received a letter stating that I am starting exemption. What do I do now?

Answer: PARs should not be submitted and will be rejected during the exemption cycle. Claims submitted while on exemption will not require a UTN. Please follow the instructions in the exemption notification letter.

  1. I received a letter stating I am now withdrawn from exemption? What do I do now?

Answer: Providers may resume submitting PARs beginning December 18th. PARs will be required starting January 1st. Your PAR affirmation rate will be monitored for the next exemption cycle.

  1. Why are my PARs being rejected while on exemption?

Answer: PARs are not required while a provider is on exemption, therefore any PAR submitted will be returned with a rejection decision. PARs should not be submitted for the purpose of obtaining a rejection letter for medical record keeping.

  1. How do I bill PA claims without a UTN during the exemption period?

Answer: PA services that were performed during the exemption period should follow the same billing practices used prior to the implementation of the PA program. Applying previously used UTNs or invalid UTNs will delay processing of your claim.

  1. Towards the end of the exemption cycle the MAC conducts a ten-claim post payment review. How are the claims selected?

Answer: The ten-claim sample is based on claim dates of service during the exemption period. This means that the claims selected will be from the timeframe in which you were exempt.

  1. Does the exemption process exempt providers from all OPD PA services?

Answer: Yes. If you receive a notice of exemption, it applies to all services under the OPD PA program.

  1. If an exempt provider submits a PAR on 12/21 but it is non-affirmed and the provider then becomes exempt on 1/1, does the provider need to resubmit the PAR? Will that resubmission reject if it is past the exempt start date?

Answer: You do not need to resubmit if the procedure is performed after the start of the exemption period. If you do resubmit the PAR on or after 1/1 it would be rejected.

  1. If I am an exempt provider, but during ADR review, it is determined that I no longer meet the requirements to remain exempt, when do I need to resume submitting PARs and begin adding a UTN to my claims?

Answer: MACs will start accepting PARs from providers who are withdrawn from exemption on December 18th. Claims with dates of service on or after January 1st require a UTN.

  1. What does it mean to opt-out of exemption?

Answer: CMS has established a rule that allows providers to remain in the standard cycle and continue to submit PARs. Providers will receive a notice of exemption if they achieved a greater than 90% PAR affirmation rate. An opt-out form will be included with the exemption notification letter. The form must be submitted to the MAC by November 30th. Late requests will be rejected. 

  1. What are ADRs?

Answer: Additional Documentation Requests: ADRs are issued based on a specific claim submitted to your MAC. The ADR will specify the beneficiary and date of service and include a list of suggested documentation for a particular service to submit to your MAC that would support payment of your claim.

  1. How many claims will be selected for ADR review?

Answer: Your MAC will randomly select ten post-payment claims for the ADR review.

  1. What is the ADR timeline?

Answer: The first ADR letter for exempt providers will be sent on August 1, 2022. The provider has 45 days to submit the documentation and the MAC has 45 days to review the documentation and make a determination. Notification of continuation or withdrawal will be sent out no later than November 2nd.

Exemption Cycle Date Description of Exemption Cycle
August 1
  • Exempt providers will receive an ADR for a random ten claim post-pay review.
  • Providers have 45 days to submit documentation.
  • MACs has 45 days to review.
November 2
  • MACs will send notification letters for either continued exemption or withdrawal from exemption. 
  • Providers must achieve a greater than 90% claim approval rate with post-pay claim review to continue exemption.
December 18
  • Providers who received a notification of withdrawal from exemption may begin to submit PARs.

Revised 2/1/2022
Posted 6/9/2021