Opt Out of Medicare

Opt Out Search

Doctors/practitioners included in the opt out database are those who have elected to “opt out” of the Medicare Program and enter into private contracts with Medicare beneficiaries if specific requirements are met.

By “opting out,” a doctor or practitioner has decided not to provide services through the Medicare program and not bill for any services or supplies they provide to any Medicare beneficiary for a period of at least two years. Note: Opting out is not the same as “nonparticipating.”

How to Use the Medicare Opt Out Affidavits Database

Find a Provider by NPI or Full Name

  • Enter NPI or
  • Enter Full Name (First and Last) of provider (if multiple names appear enter specialty and/or Zip code to narrow the search)

Note: This database only brings up Opt Out providers

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Revised 6/25/2024