- Entry Process Questions
- General Information
- Choose Transaction Status
- Submitting the Packet
- EDI Enrollment Agreement Form
- EDI ERA Enrollment Form
- EDI Registration Form
- Part A Logon Request Form: Provider/Facility Requesting Access
- Provider Letter of Authorization
- Part A Logon Request Form: Billing Service Using a Letter of Authorization PIN
- Tracking my Enrollment Packet and Checking Status
- EDI Gateway Self-Service Password Portal
Part A Logon Request Form
Provider/Facility Requesting Access
This form is for Part A providers requesting access to the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS)/Direct Data Entry (DDE) Online System and check patient eligibility.
Note: Up to 10 individual users and 26 PTAN/NPI combinations within the same Contractor Code can be submitted through this form.
Section I: Action
This section is used to determine to the necessary action taken for the Logon ID(s) entered.
- Add PTAN(s) - add PTAN(s) to an ID that currently has access to the FISS region PTAN(s) are assigned to
- Add Region (Dual Access) - add an additional region of FISS access to an ID that is currently active
- Change Name - update user name based on marriage, divorce, etc.; cannot change name to a new user
- Change Operator Access - update access level; either Inquiry or Inquiry/Update can be selected
- Change PIN - JM users only; user has the ability to change the four-digit numeric PIN currently on file
- Delete Logon ID - to delete all current access to Medicare FISS regions, PTAN(s), inactivate the Logon ID
- Delete PTAN(s) - to delete only specific PTAN(s), while leaving the Logon ID active
- New Logon ID - assign a new user a Logon ID (previously assigned inactive Logon IDs will be reinstated)
- Reinstate Logon ID - user has an existing Logon ID that is currently inactive
Operating as a:
- Corporate Office – parent company of the PTAN, different physical address information than what is on file for each provider/facility; cannot be a third party of any kind
- Facility – same physical address information as the PTAN has on file with Medicare
Section II: Requestor
This section is completed with the requestor’s information that is auto-populated from the entries within the Guided Enrollment.
- What is a Network Service Vendor?
The approved NSV that provides access to the NGS EDI gateway that you have a service agreement with.
Section III: Institutional Provider
This section is auto-populated from the entries within the Guided Enrollment.
Section IV: Logon On
This section is completed with the operator’s information. Any additional users and/or action types will require an additional form to be completed.
- What is the Operator Name? This is the first name, middle initial and last name of the operator who will be accessing the FISS/DDE system.
- What is the Telephone Number/Extension? This is the direct telephone number and extension of the user.
- What do I enter for the Email address? This is the direct email address of the user.
- What is the EIN number? The EIN is a unique alpha-numeric validation number assigned to the Logon ID.
- What do I enter for the Logon ID? This is the seven-digit Logon ID assigned to the user.
- two alpha, five numeric (XX11111) or
- three alpha, four numeric (XXX1111)
- What do I choose for Operator Access? Choose either Inquiry or Inquiry/Update from the drop down.
- Inquiry gives the ability to check status but not make changes
- Inquiry/Update gives the user the ability to check eligibility and make changes, such as sending or correcting a claim
After adding an operator, click the Add button to enter the next operator. You can add up to 10 operators who are requesting the same access per form.