NGSConnex User Guide

Initiate Eligibility Lookup

  1. Click the Eligibility Lookup button from the NGSConnex homepage.

    NGSConnex homepage
  2. In the Select a Provider panel, click the Select button next to the applicable provider account.

    Select a Provider
  3. In the Select a Beneficiary panel, enter the CMS-required beneficiary demographic information in the applicable fields.

    Select a Beneficiary


  • Medicare Number – enter the alpha-numeric, MBI as it appears on the Medicare card. If you do not have the MBI number and you have first attempted to obtain it from the beneficiary, you can select the MBI Lookup link to search for the MBI. The MBI Lookup tool will allow you to search for and receive a patient’s MBI.
    • If the MBI entered has been termed and the date of the request or date range are entirely on or after the effective date of the new MBI, we'll return an error message of ‘Invalid member ID.' Note: Additional information regarding the MBI termination date can be found in the ‘Beneficiary Eligibility Information’ panel.
  • Last Name – enter, at a minimum, the first six letters of the last name exactly as it appears on the Medicare card.
  • First Name – enter, at a minimum, the first letter of the first name exactly as it appears on the Medicare card.
  • Date of Birth – enter in the appropriate format MM/DD/YYYY.
  1. Click the Submit button.

    Select a Beneficiary


  1. Select the Years of Data that you would like to view, by selecting 14. The historical eligibility information displayed will be limited based on the filter's selection. Note: The ‘Years of Data’ will default to four years. We recommend that you use the default of four years to obtain all eligibility information available. To change the ‘Years of Data,’ click the Reset button.
  2. If you would like DSMT and MNT information included in your search results, click the drop-down arrow and select Yes. If DSMT/MNT information is requested, please allow a few seconds for your eligibility results to display.
  3. Select the Search button.

    Select a Beneficiary


Revised 12/19/2024